This week will be different…

OK, last week was busy and I never completed an entry. The following is all I had by Friday…

It be Friday, and it’s been another one of those weeks where I have tried several times to publish an entry and failed. It’s been made more difficult by the fact that some twerp with a pony tail in our IT department has decreed that USB ports are a security risk, and disabled them on all work laptops.The idea is that it makes it impossible to put client confidential data on a USB stick, and leave it on the train. Sadly, it also means I can’t write an entry in notepad and save it on a memory stick either. I can email it to myself at home though. This new ruling is not popular in the office and prompted bad language yesterday. In fact hand-to-hand combat did look likely for a while also.

The entire network was up and down all day yesterday. It wasn’t pretty. It’s been busy week actually. This is good. I like to feel useful.

I really don’t like the Home Secretary. The bloody woman is making trouble. I’m no fan of Ken Clarke either, but I think he was right to ridicule Theresa May and her cat stories. It’s fashionable to hate the European Human Rights act. Coming out against it is a cheap point scoring exercise. There isn’t anything fundamentally wrong with it though, other than the fact that we didn’t write it ourselves. The Conservative policy of removing it and replacing it with a British Bill of Rights is a good one, except, a British Bill of Rights could be worse. My point is, we need something. The European Human Rights act is better than nothing and it might be better than what we draw up to replace it.

I’m not comfortable with Theresa May’s ideas on DNA retention of people cleared of offences either. This government was supposed to destroy all the DNA records of innocent people kept in the DNA database. There appears to be some policy creep here. MPs are suggesting that retaining DNA of people for “reasons of national security” is likely to breach the European Rights act that she is trying to scrap. Can anyone see the irony?

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No wonder I didn’t read you at all last week. So how did you manage to make an entry today? Via phone? Ps: regarding your google+ entry weeks ago, I read somewhere that you actually can set autoupload or manual in your phone, and there’s a choice of recipient as well.

R: I did take pics with the pendant pushed behind my hair, lol 🙂 About G+, can you imagine people taking random pics of themselves in torn boxers or panties while lazying in their room reading and those pics get uploaded automatically???? Scary! Thanks for letting me know about g+ earlier.

R: LOL! I’ll never place pics of myself in OD except for that blurred one in fortis diary profile. 😛

R: oh ya where is that naked bike pic?? !! 🙂

Ryn: thanks. LOL you guys seemed to have lots of fun! 😛 Was there an orgy somewhere? Or did the smell of sweat turned everyone off? Hahahaha

So they organise it every June? I was there last july (this year). Next year will be in europe in spring..

The ladies were only topless, right? Saw them in the pics wearing panties only, lol 😛

Yeah seems frisky and feisty coming to work without panties on! ;P

LOL! Not for long though cos it made me too horny being naughty like that, and I didn’t wanna get anything stick on my skirt hence the aroma might be too obvious.

Its easier for men! Women (especially frisky ones like me) tend to “drip” so easily, lol 😛 I won’t risk being mauled cos my office is full of men. 😛

I shave every time. Isn’t it a common thing to do?


R: I know that some nationalities do not shave unless asked by their partners. Seriously I can’t imagine not shaving. I keep mine smooth and clear. Been shaving since I was a teenager. Just my own nature wanting to stay clean and unbushy, lol.

October 10, 2011

we have rights enshrined already. we don’t need anything else. i’d say go for the hand to hand combat!

November 8, 2011