
Every office has one eccentric. Ours is Paul. He likes to dress up, sometimes as a pirate, sometimes as a woman, sometimes just funny hats. He has a dressing up box. He also has a reputation for getting drunk and doing odd things, like starting a fight by falling asleep without his shirt in a kebab shop. His latest adventure seems to be accidentally chatting up a 60 year old. For clarity, he’s 28. It seems the effects of alcohol and a dim bar conspired to distort his senses to such an extent that he believed this woman to be, “I dunno about 40”, but he realised he had his hand on the bottom of a 60 year old when she showed him her bus pass. He wasn’t apparently so drunk that he was unable to send a text message to colleagues revealing this information as it happened. As far as I can tell, he didn’t disgrace himself further. And he has no shame, so I think he would have told us if he had. Paul makes the office a nicer place to work.

Apparently new legislation is to be drafted that will mean streakers at sporting events who wear adverts on their naked bodies, will face fines of up to £20,000. Does that mean it’s OK to streak at events without advertising? This measure is apparently to prevent “ambush marketing” at the 2012 Olympics. So many things occurred to me when I read this. First of all, if you wear nothing but a t-shirt with a logo for instance, you are neither naked, nor technically advertising on your naked body. Would the legislation still apply? And what if the t-shirt is just a simple t-shirt with a logo, available from any high street? One could argue that the logo is not an advertisement at all.

Presumably someone could attend an Olympic event as a spectator, wearing a t-shirt with a logo, without falling foul of the law. But if that person removes his trousers, he’s in breach of the law? Sounds like a legal nightmare to me. Also, if some promoter pays you £21,000 to run naked across the stadium waving a flag advertising their product, it would appear to me that you make a profit of £1,000. That’s an incentive, not a deterrent.

I love streakers, I hope we get dozens of them.

There have been a lot of headlines in the last week including the words “Liam Fox” and “burglary”. Is it just me, or does anyone else see “buggery” at first glance? It’s done on purpose I swear it is. he finally resigned on Friday afternoon. I was expecting that to mean that there would be fresh revelations in the weekend papers, but there were not.

MP, Oliver Letwin, has been caught dumping official paperwork in a waste bin in a public park, knob head!

Log in to write a note

So did Paul follow her home? 😛

Lol! I forgot I noted you from Fortis account! 🙂 I truly found Paul story as hilarious. Is he for real?? Your colleague? And dressing up as women too? ;P

R: omg! He sounds like a lot of fun!!!!!!but he is not gay or anything? Or a cross-dresser? He just does that for fun? 😛 And I bet he cycles in the nude too???

R: I got a feeling that you had done more fun things than Paul when you were his age!

Omg!!your wife must be having a great day daily listening to your stories!! So much fun to be with!! ;P

November 8, 2011