Some people have no sense

Saturday was a nice day. It’s getting cold though. I hate this time of year. The leaves will fall soon. Sunday was foul. It peed down all day. On the plus side, I saw Pirates, which is a great film from Aardman Animation. There were so many great gags in there. I think I need to watch it again because I’m sure I missed some. I’m going to get the DVD. Also this weekend I bought some electroluminescent wire, which is completely the coolest thing in the world and I am currently experimenting with it with a view to making an awesome Halloween costume. More about that in another entry.

Some people have no sense. A married, 30-year-old maths teacher from Sussex is believed to have eloped with one of his 15-year-old pupils. What was he thinking?! I don’t have very strong feelings about the moral issue here. She is only 15, but she’s physically mature and all men are stupid. There’s an irony in that statement isn’t there? Anyway, the alarm was raised when she didn’t show up for school on Friday, and neither did her teacher.

They were spotted on CCTV boarding a ferry to France, and apparently they even drove to the port in his car. Surely, if you’re trying to run off with an under age girl you’d think about covering your tracks a bit. Driving your own car to the ferry port, getting caught on CCTV? This guy’s a maths teacher. I wouldn’t want him teaching my son! The entire French police force is now looking for them. They’re so going to get caught. I give it another 24 hours. His career will be ruined. He’ll have to sign the sex offenders’ register. He even left a trail of incriminating tweets behind, dimwit.

In a jolly prank on the streets of Amsterdam. the staff at glued an iPhone5 to the floor and then set up a video camera to watch the hilarious results! Except they weren’t hilarious at all of course. What the hell is funny about gluing something to the floor and watching people try to pick it up? Isn’t that exactly what you’d expect people to do when they come across something valuable on the ground? The only other option is to walk past it and leave it there. No one is going to do that. That’s about as funny as saying “hello” to someone and watching them say “hello” back isn’t it? Seriously, if anyone can tell me why it’s funny I would love to know.

Finally, here is a little story from this morning’s Daily Mail. A man was seen and photographed this morning at Stevenage train station buying a newspaper wearing only tiny y-fronts, seemingly oblivious to the incredulous looks of passers by. I don’t know who he is or why he’s doing it, but I like him, especially because he is a bit fat and bald, and still doesn’t care if anyone sees him (almost) naked.

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September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012

As much as I detest the Daily Fail, the headline did make me laugh. I rarely read the papers and I only recently realised just how indistinguishable The Sun and the Daily Mail are. Has that always been the case?

September 25, 2012
September 28, 2012

…fat and bald, and he had some colourful design on his underwear. That strikes my funny chord.