S L O W news day

Well, we did go to the Natural History Museum yesterday and it was a great day out. The boy was so well behaved all day. I always get a bit worried with him in London, especially on the tube. I’m always terrified the doors are going to close with him inside and me outside or something. It was fine however. I put a piece of paper in his pocket with my phone number on so he could tell someone to call me if we got separated. It makes me feel better. There were no problems however.

We spent about four hours in the museum, with a break for lunch. We could have spent longer, but that’s quite a long time for a six-year-old. He particularly liked the blue whale model and the robot T-Rex, which I must say is pretty bloody awesome.

My sister-in-law is getting married in Japan next year. This is good for two reasons. Firstly, we love her and it’s just great news that she’s getting married. Secondly, it means I might well get a trip to Japan, which is kind of fabulous just because it’s Japan and I’ve never been there, so I hope that comes off. I don’t know where in Japan it is to take place, but I don’t want to miss Tokyo.

I can’t find any stories in the news today that amuse me. I can find plenty that frustrate me however. Apparently Students at Cambridge University are hoping to disprove the phrase “in space no-one can hear you scream” by playing pre-recorded screams in orbit. Seriously? These “students” should go back to primary school.

Scientist at the University of Bonn are devising an experiment to test whether we are in the Matrix, This one is so stupid I’m not even going to comment on it.

And a report in the Telegraph claims a British couple “live in the future”. If you can actually be bothered to read the article, and I suggest you don’t, it turns out that in fact they simply leave their clocks on British summer time all year round because it apparently reduces the husband’s cluster headaches. They also claim to have cut their heating bill by one third, though it isn’t made clear quite how they do that.

It must be a slow news day. It’s Friday though so I should be happy. In fact it’s also pay day. I should be doubly happy.

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October 26, 2012

Yah for fun times with the kid!

October 26, 2012

no to everything bar time with the kid. and pay day. I just paid a fuckton of rent to uni so I’m eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

October 27, 2012

I’m so happy that you’re going to japan (and for dragon’s sis)(even though I know it’ll cost financially) because I’m going next week!!! Can’t wait!

October 27, 2012

And yes, it’s pretty awesome that you get to go interesting places every other weekend with your family. Over here there’s nothing to do (unless we go overseas)