Quick one

I don’t have time to write a proper entry, but there were a couple of things in tehnews I wanted to talk about.

Sally Morgan seems to have managed to win her libel case against the Mail and has been awarded £125,000 by the high court. In case you don’t remember, ‘Psychic Sally’ Morgan was accused of using information relayed via an earpiece at one of her gigs, in Dublin, to persuade her gullible audience that she was chatting to dead people. All this came out on a radio phone-in show. A couple of audience members called in to say that they heard someone relaying information to Morgan from a back room. Then a window was hastily closed and the show went on. Magician Paul Zenon subsequently wrote a piece for the Mail in which he accused Morgan of cheating and preying on the vulnerable. Morgan then challenged the article, and won.

Let’s be absolutely clear here; I think Morgan is a lying piece of bottom feeding scum, with no morals and psychopathic tenancies. There are only two types of ‘psychic’ in my view; deluded and fraudulent. I believe Morgan is the latter. The judge has awarded her this win because no one can prove that she was using an earpiece that night. It doesn’t mean she wasn’t using an earpiece, only that there is no tangible evidence. And this is a shame because there will be an army of stupid people out there now claiming that a high court has proved what Morgan does is genuine. Incidentally, Tom Chivers of the Telegraph is right, Morgan hasn’t challenged the accusation that she can’t talk to the dead, only that she was using an earpiece.

I’m reminded of the Jeffrey Archer case a few years ago. The Star accused Archer of a liaison with a prostitute. Archer sued them for libel, and won. However, a year or two later more evidence emerged. It turned out that the Star was right all along. He ended up back in court charged with perjury, and eventually went to jail. If Morgan did lie in court about not using an earpiece, she’d better hope the guy relaying that information doesn’t turn against her.

Jeremy Forrest, who ran off with a 15-year-old girl form the school where he worked as a maths teacher, has been jailed five and a half years. He was always going to be convicted and jailed. He never denied anything. The odd thing about this case is the fact that he still doesn’t seem to think he’s done anything unreasonable. He ran off with a girl less than half his age and tried to hide in France. At best he’s been incredibly stupid.

It could be argued that the girl in question is physically mature and probably very bright, and as such it’s understandable that a man may be attracted to her. Several hundred thousand years of evolution have given men these instincts. It is however socially unacceptable for a man of that age to pursue a relationship of that type with a 15-year-old girl. If Forrest couldn’t see that , he’s incredibly naive and immature. If he could see it but did it anyway, he’s probably stupid for not foreseeing the consequences. He also appears to be manipulative, since it would seem he told her his marriage was over and he was apparently also seeing other women.

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June 24, 2013

Jeremy Forrest deserves his sentence, he has broken the teacher student trust. As for Sally, hopefully she will meet her day of reckoning. Psychics make a surprising amount of money from the gullible.

June 25, 2013

“There are only two types of ‘psychic’ in my view; deluded and fraudulent.” this aint fair. surely there must be one positive element somewhere…like spoonbending? and being the inspiration for movies and tv, amongst other things? ps: havent been writing much, have you? 🙂

June 25, 2013

Ryn: lols do you know that one of the “Must Have” traits to become an FBI profiler, amongst other things, is “Possess psychic ability”. Are you refuting how they did manage to apprehend so many serial killers over these decades? 😛 True. :). I am not jesting

June 26, 2013

Lol I am only half jesting. I will cite you the research article on that soon. It says that to be a good profiler, one must have depending intuition, better “Psychic Like” ability, logic etc etc Something which the UK researchers and practitioners do not agree with for many years. And still don’t.

June 26, 2013

Damn auto correct That word ‘depending ‘ should have been ‘deep’

June 26, 2013

Hahahaha what fairy story?! How come I never heard about it?

June 26, 2013

Did the famous psychics around the globe got invited?

June 26, 2013

If I am not mistaken (i will check the case file later), an old man saw the van (vehicle) owned by PS, and he recalled some public announcement in the TV alerting people of the TYR profile. But i could be wrong…i have too many case files in my mind that I could have mixed things up, lol

June 26, 2013

Hahahaha lols And how come she didn’t get sued BUT Borat got sued? ;P

June 26, 2013

If it’s legally channeled to church, then no one can do anything a

June 26, 2013

Saw your notes to Persia about Sylvia Brown. She also toold the mother of a missing child that the girl was dead and to stop looking….She was found years later alive and well…..

June 27, 2013


June 27, 2013

Ryn: that is not a good excuse. Write flippant notes instead 🙂

June 28, 2013

Ryn : I think at least 1-3% of those over 11k notes were yours, lols How’s that for flippant? 😉

June 28, 2013

I think maybe you sound too clever and too posh until people feel shy to initiate communication; fearing you might feel they don’t sound clever enough…and maybe fearing you will be very choosy with friends. I am very sure you have many lurkers who read you quietly. I myself only noted you after reading you for several months.

June 28, 2013

What relevance does a classical degree has to sounding clever? 🙂

June 28, 2013

Ah those are clever degrees, far more clever than Latin or history. I don’t wanna Google it, but I try a guess. Your degree deals with robotic equipment? Motorised machines? 😛

June 28, 2013

You look more like an English professor in oxbridge 😛 Ps : i cannot forget your copier-ass story, lols

June 28, 2013

Is your specs on your nose? Those 11k are notes

June 28, 2013

Those private entries are all those entries you have read before which I privatised every few days last time, remember?

June 28, 2013

You adore me 😛

June 28, 2013

Wrong. I never get scared unless people turn creepy or manic on me. And the odd rare uncommon occasions when I get people stated that they adored me, those statements or declarations were always said when I was either busy working or busy driving or cooking or sleeping 🙂

I agree with Persia. I’m a lurker :p

July 1, 2013

Ryn: okay what is ‘tripe’? You are just envious of Bruce Willis cos he is just too cool 😛 And he got to kiss a gorgeous Chinese woman in there

July 1, 2013

Liar. You haven’t kissed demi Moore ;P Ps: xie xie ni

July 1, 2013

Lol if you had mispronounced it as bu ke qi, I would have thought you meant ‘don’t be polite ‘. And I would have impolitely responded with ‘$%|±&¡!!!’ Lols 😛 Switch to Cantonese instead. Say ‘leng loi’ to me

July 1, 2013

What is ‘tripe’? I don’t have time to check Google

July 1, 2013

Hahahaha Angmohs mai chin en tau, 🙂 And that is hokkien 🙂 Okay stop being rude and let’s switch to English

July 1, 2013

Languages : bits and pieces of many 🙂 Translation : red hairs (slang for white men) are not handsome And that is just a joke, okay. Cos Ralph Fiennes is handsome 🙂

July 1, 2013

Ryn: earlier hypothesis was wrong. Wrong guesswork 🙂