Post-Christmas cynicism

I’ve come to the conclusion that the only reason I go to work in the morning is my salary. I don’t enjoy it, and if I didn’t need the salary, I’d do something else. That may seem obvious, but there are an astounding number of people in my office who really live to work here. I reckon I could hit about four with a stapler from here. I’m writing this at work. It’s all down to how we measure success I think. Most people reckon they’ve made it when they have a decent salary, BMW, and the power to intimidate staff at work. I don’t think I use that set of rules. I may just be suffering from post-Christmas cynicism.

Andrew Marr appears to have had a stroke. I really don’t like the little ferret of a bloke. He’s an arrogant little tosser and he can’t keep it in his trousers. I don’t usually believe in divine retribution, but in Marr’s case, I’ll make an exception.

Piers Morgan reckons he’s staying in US. That pleases me because I certainly don’t want the don’t want him anywhere near me. Does he enjoy being intensely disliked by everyone, or does he simply not realise?

Oh I’ve had enough of slagging off journalists for one day. Lets move on to some comedy nudity stories.

Would you get up early and queue outside a clothing shop in only your underwear in Winter to win free clothes? Apparently a huge number of people did just that this week in Paris. Clothing store Desigual kicked off their sale by offering a free top and trousers to the first 100 people who showed up in their underwear. I kicked this round the office at work. We decided a shirt and trousers might cost £100, so in could be worth it as long as you didn’t have to queue all night and the weather wasn’t too awful.

And finally, here’s the odd nudity story of the week. Apparently a waitress at Roberta’s Pizza restaurant, New York, worked her shift naked this week and the story went viral when someone posted a picture on Twitter. I say the story went viral, but in fact there is very little story. I’ve seen several reports and they all seem to agree that it did happen, and that the waitress did this as a stunt on her final shift. No one seems to have got an interview with the woman, or even a quote. In fact the only picture I’ve seen shows her from behind, and she hasn’t even been named as far as I know, which I find suspicious. That said, she’s a naked pizza waitress, what the hell else matters?

And with that gentle reader, I bid you good night. Sleep well, and sleep naked. Until next time…

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January 11, 2013

Dang, we will have to keep putting up with Piers Morgan..

January 11, 2013

i just heard andrew marr described as a deflated version of martin clunes! made me laugh! .

January 12, 2013

I’m sure there’s something you’d like to do that will pay you a decent enough wage. I do