poor personal choices

The weekend was good. We went to Devon. The boy went chasing after sheep, and we did the usual family stuff.

The Telegraph has been running a story about a five-year-old boy who has been living as a girl and wearing girls’ clothes for a year. His parents are not discouraging it and the school seems to be accepting the situation. The child has been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID).

I’m not sure how I feel about this. It seems to me that young children make very poor personal choices. For instance, if you let a child choose what they want to eat every day, they’ll end up on a diet of chips and chocolate. As a parent you have to steer kids in the right direction. It wouldn’t worry me if my son wanted to play with Barbies or something, but I think I’d have to tell him that boys have to wear boys’ clothes to school. I suppose it would be different if he was a teenager, but a five-year-old has not really worked out the difference between male and female has he? I don’t think he can make an informed choice at that age. Anyway, the point I’m heading towards here is that I was surprised how vitriolic the comments were. A huge number of the comments attacked the parents of this child, and an overwhelming majority of commenters were opposed to allowing the child to live as a girl.

Mr Punk has asked where the nudity stories went. Well that deserves an answer. Actually I wrote an entry a little while back that didn’t have an y nudity content simply because I was trying to make a point about something else. And it just stopped from there. I think I may start again however, if only because there was a naked sledging event in Germany last weekend. Yes honestly, naked sledging, here’s the link, and there’s even a video. It’s not too rude, but it’s probably NSFW either.

I think I’m going to leave it here for today. As I type this the Brit awards are going on and Jessie J is rumoured to be attending naked. I’m pretty sure she won’t, but that would of course be a good story for tomorrow. Be good kids.

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February 21, 2012

It’s all well and good to try to avoid gender stereotypes, but there has been and always will be a fundamentally massive difference between the boys and girls that’s not just down to clothes and toys. It makes me wonder whether his parents will explain that so that he understands where they are coming from and where society is coming from.

February 22, 2012

RYN: It doesn’t specify that it has to be my handwriting, although had I not already submitted it then getting someone else to write it would’ve been an excellent experient. I hope they don’t analyse it, my handwriting is eligible but it changes quite regularly. It was only 200 words long (according to the typed version) but it still tired my hand out, shows how often I put pen to paper to write more than a list of things to buy.

February 22, 2012

who cares? that child may or may not grow out of it. his business, not ours. more important things in the world, like syrian forces murdering another two journalists…

February 22, 2012

ohhhhh…i had to go and google nsfw, understand now! 🙂 .