On the plus side

I have somehow managed to lose my glasses and I am currently using an inferior spare pair, so please excuse any typing errors. I can’t see.

It’s was my birthday (yesterday) and I have discovered that facebook does not allow you to forget the fact or keep it quiet these days. Also, I sit next to Kira, who took it up on herself to make sure everyone in the office was informed. This was payback after I organised a collection for a wedding present for her.

On the plus side, the dragon and the boy made a special breakfast for me, and then when I got home we had crispy Chinese duck pancakes with hoisin sauce. What could be more special? There was also cake. And when I went into the boy’s bedroom to check on him last night, because he was making noises, he actually sang happy birthday to me in his sleep. He must have been dreaming. He never opened his eyes and he doesn’t remember anything about it now.

Loads of light hearted and amusing stories in the news today:

West Midlands Police approached a man yesterday because he was seen in a car with a known prostitute and he was then spotted going to a cash machine while the lady waited in the car. He came up with the best ever excuse, she was showing him where to buy tomatoes. Brilliant as this excuse was, the police didn’t believe him and he was fined £400. He was also ordered to pay £665 in costs. So that works out at £1065, possibly the most expensive bonk in history.

Here’s another odd one I found. A couple arguing in a Chinese street found it necessary to remove their clothes before continuing their row. Apparently it did the trick because they made up and left the scene, though they did not completely redress themselves.

Clacton Council are trying to ban naked events to maintain their family friendly reputation. Clacton has been a venue for both skinny dips and naked bike rides in recent weeks. Almost unbelievably, the Daily Mail has accused them of being killjoys! It would appear that the opposition to the events comes from one or two members of the council. I can’t see that they can do much about banning naked events however, since they aren’t illegal.

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July 26, 2013

Happy belated Birthday!! So you have the same zodiac as baby Cambridge eh? 😉 Ryn: I was darn correct about “Alexander” 🙂

July 27, 2013

Ryn: lols I forgot you hated astrology, opps 😛 Ps: i never read his first two books either. But i can assure you that this one is worth it 🙂