Odd isn’t it…

I’m just not finding the time to write here lately. I have too many other things going on. I’m going to start writing properly again though. I like to write here.

The boy went back to school this week after his summer break. He was desperate to get back to school. I don’t remember being that keen. The dragon also went back to work this week. She was ready to go back too I think.

Odd isn’t it; now that summer is over and the children are back at school, the sun decides to come out. I don’t like that irony. On a related note, our boiler has now completely died. We still have hot water from the shower, but nowhere else. The plumber is coming to replace the boiler this month.

There are two news stories that interest me at the moment. The first is the cabinet reshuffle. Usually reshuffles don’t interest me much. I’m pretty sure that one politician is as scummy as the next. I wonder whether politics attracts scummy people, or whether it just turns people scummy. The interesting thing about this reshuffle is that he moved Andrew Lansley from his Health Secretary post. Good move because Lansley was a disaster. However, he’s replaced him with Jereemy Hunt the ex-culture secretary. What was he thinking? There could not be a worse choice of health minister. Hunt is pro homoeopathy, and he already has an anti health service reputation.

This will blow up in Cameron’s face, watch.

The other interesting story is that of the couple who were arrested and detained by police after shooting at burglars after they forced their way into the house in the middle of the night wearing masks. The burglars were caught and charged with burglary offences after they showed up at hospital. None of them were seriously hurt. The gun was a shotgun and was legally owned.

It emerged this morning that the couple will not be charged with anything because they took “reasonable” steps to defend themselves. But they were detained for two days for questioning before being released on bail. There would I think have been considerable public anger if any charges had been brought and there has been much talk in the papers about the case of Tony Martin who did the exactly the same thing a few years ago and ended up being found guilty of murder. His charge was reduced to manslaughter on appeal.

One other point about this case is that at least one of the burglars appears to have been recently released from prison on licence.

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September 6, 2012

bummer about the boiler. at least it hasn’t happened in the depths of winter (or on boxing day which is what happened to us). .

September 6, 2012

I don’t ever remember being keen to go back to school

September 6, 2012

You don’t feel like fixing the plumbing yourself? Speaking of handy work, how is the watering system coming along?

September 6, 2012
September 6, 2012

Hello! Missed you! My dad worked on the Tony Martin case, it’s different because they weren’t coming at him. They got caught in the act and were trying to escape. He came after them and shot them in the back. He didn’t need to shoot that kid in the back. We have an air rifle, I wouldn’t think twice about shooting someone in the leg with it if they were trying to nick my stuff! X

September 7, 2012

I feel bad that he may not have meant to do that and was probably distraught by the fact he killed a 16 year old. He was fed up of being constantly burgled and the police doing nothing and decided to completely lose his rag and deal with it himself. Then again I don’t feel sorry for him because I wouldn’t feel sorry for a man who lost his temper and beat his wife to death. White mist or no white mist, it was his finger on the trigger, he killed someone so he should pay the price. He didn’t have to chase after them and shoot them in the back as they were running away. I’m sure just shooting a gun into the air would have made them scarper!! x

September 7, 2012

Tell me about it!! I had a massive go at Bobert a couple of weeks ago because a couple of guys tried to break into his dad’s car in the night. We heard them and Rob ran out into the street in his pants shouting his head off.. In the heat of the moment. Which at the time scared them off but what if they had smacked him one with a tool etc? You just don’t think at the time xx