nudity and robots

Friend Dickie came to see me on Friday and we spent the evening in the pub. It was good to see him again. We drank a little too much and talked bollocks; long time since we’ve done that. He left after lunch on Saturday. He’s already suggested a return visit that may or may not involve the boy and the science museum.

And on Sunday, which was a most beautiful day, we spent almost the entire time on the allotment. The council won’t return any of my messages or phone calls, so we are still not quite sure whether we’ve been given the entire plot or just half of it. But the folk there all tell us that we have been given all the plot, so we have started clearing both sides of weeds and turning over the soil. We have finished one side, and half of the other. It looks much better. I ache all over today. I’m thinking that in the summer it will be good exercise to cycle, or even run there two or three times a week to do the watering. Under the weeds I found many interesting things hiding, including a garden fork and a watering can. We have also been given a wheelbarrow by a chap who was giving up his plot. Everyone there seems really nice.

I’m fed up with my local comic book shop. I don’t really read comic books, and I such I have no feel for the culture. I have however started reading Fashion Beast, which is seriously weird and dystopian, with lots of nudity and robots and stuff. I’ve read issue 1, and I understand issue 2 is supposed to arrive about a month later. I can’t get it though, and I don’t know what happens if I miss the window. Do I miss it forever? Does it get reprinted? Anyway, it’s getting up my nose. I’m going to mail order it if I can’t get it this week.

I am particularly interested in a German drinks firm, G-Spirits, which has launched a new range of drinks which have apparently been poured over a pneumatic model’s breads before bottling. I’m genuinely unsure whether this is a spoof or not. While I am quite sure that there are people out there willing to pay for whiskey that has cascaded over the boobs of a fabulously beautiful woman, I can also see a few potential issues with the bottling process. There must be hygiene issues for a start. And exactly how does one go about the process? There must be some wastage. Does she stand in a bath? Are her feet clean?

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October 17, 2012

Lol. I wonder the same thing about the hygiene issues.