no idea where this is going.

I haven’t written anything here for days. So I am leaving this open on my desktop to encourage me to write something. I have no idea where this is going.

I’ve just finished reading “The hundred year old man who climbed out of a window and disappeared”. It’s proper quirky. I liked it though. I think I would have ended it differently. I’m now reading “It’s not rocket science” by Ben Miller. Incidentally, I thought you could split all fundamental particles into fermions and bosons. Fermions are matter, and bosons are force, right? Wrong; I just spoke to a particle physicist about this and it turns out that it’s not that simple at all. He started talking about spin and plank’s constant. My eyes glazed over.

Bonnie Tyler is going to sing the next UK Eurovision song entry. I know I’m cynical, but she’s put some weight on, and has she had some work done? She’s older than me! In fact, she is much older than me according to Wikipedia.

It turns out that staff at Yeovil Asda supermarket take a pretty puritanical view of public nudity because they called the police when a customer at the petrol station decided to fill up his car naked for a laugh. The police didn’t charge him with anything when they caught up with him, but he was banned from the store. Seems a bit harsh to me since it was reportedly the early hours of the morning and the place was deserted, and come to think of it, it’s just the sort of stupid thing I would do.

It turns out that Vicky Pryce is guilty of perverting the course of justice. I suppose that was always the likely outcome. I wanted her to get off because I loath Chris Huhne. I wonder what the sentence will be. Now half the senior Lib Dem MPs are suspected of knowing about it for some time and covering it up.

Well I have written something, not very much, but it is something. I have some more ideas for things I want to write. I’m compiling a list of ridiculous things the bible says. So far I have found passages condemning vegetarians, psychics, and transvestites. I’ve found one passage that forbids the eating of shellfish, and one passage that says a man should cut off his wife’s hand if he gets into a fight and she grabs the other man’s balls to try and protect her husband. I’m not sure where it’s going, but it may become an entry at some point.

I’ll be back soon.

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March 7, 2013

Surely you take it out of context I don’t know about the anti vegetarianism part though 🙂

March 7, 2013

I loved Bonnie’s ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’. But to resurrect her? I don’t know. The Eurovision is a total non-event as far as I am concerned. Entries are terrible, voting is rigged, etc.

March 7, 2013

ryn: chicken testicle soup. That IS weird. hahaha!

March 9, 2013