low life reptile piece of crap

I hate psychics. I think they are the foulest people on earth because they take money from desperate, vulnerable people and promise them something that they know full well to be bullshit. I’m not talking about those few genuinely deluded psychics who really believe that they speak to dead people, they belong in mental institutions. The ones we see on stage and tv however are simply frauds. It’s astounding to me that they manage to continue their immoral trade after so many have been so comprehensively and publicly debunked. In Britain Sally Morgan was caught out last year at one of her stage shows when the audience realised that she was being fed information via an earpiece by an acomplice. Colin Fry, while performing a seance under the pseudonym Lincon was embarrassed when somebody turned up the lights and the levitating trumpet turned out to be in his hand. In the US Sylvia Browne famously pronounced a missing child dead, only for the boy to turn up safe and well some time later. But none have been quite so publicly embarrassed as the disgusting Derek Acorah.

Derek used to work on the unspeakably awful “Most Haunted” show. During series six he was ‘possessed’ by the spirit of a long dead gaoler “Kreed Kafer” at Bodmin gaol. The programme was actually transmitted before anyone realised that the name was an anagram of Derek Faker. The show’s resident psychologist later admitted to covertly feeding Derek the name and some made up information via a crew member as a test. Astonishingly Derek went on to embarrass himself even further by falling for the same prank a second time. The following episode saw Derek contacting Rik Eedles (Derek Lies). There really should have been a criminal investigation at that point because Derek was taking money from people in exchange for giving them messages from dead loved ones, something that he demonstrably cannot do. It should at least have killed his career, but it didn’t, even when show host Yvette Fielding publicly called him a fake.

In fact, Derek is still touring and taking money from the recently bereaved, desperate, and vulnerable. And he’s still making a good living at it. In fact he appears to be a millionaire, which must mean it’s a better racket than selling dodgy designer goods on street corners., and with less chance of being charged with anything it seems. Why am I telling you this? Well, just when I thought the scum bag could not stoop any lower, it appears that Derek has has actually managed it while promoting his new tour. Unbelievably he’s now claiming to have been given information about missing Madeleine McCann, and she’s sadly dead according to Derek. It’s all over the front page of the Sun. Funny how he chose to reveal this to coincide with his tour promotion and the story hitting the newspapers again recently. You’d have though that information this important would have been something he might have wanted to share closer to the abduction. And I wonder if there is any particular reason why he decided to give this incredibly personal information to the family of the missing child via the broadcast media rather than a discreet private note or phone call.

The man is a lying, low life reptile piece of crap, and he should be in prison.

And since I am in the mood, I’m going to have a swipe at our idiot immigration minister Damian Green again. Read this story in the Telegraph. Bear in mind that everyone in the world, including immigration staff, have now admitted that immigration queues at Heathrow are a national disgrace and that more staff are required. Everyone apart from Damian that is. So far he has blamed flight delays, the rain, peak holiday periods, passengers confusion, and unreliable technology. Now it’s apparently the fault of the wind that is causing three hour queues. How is this clown getting away with talking so much horse shit? No one on earth believes he can fix the problem because he blames the problem on magic moonbeams and fairy dust every time. The clown needs to take responsibility and stop blaming everyone and everything else.

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May 15, 2012
May 15, 2012

I agree with you on the topic of psychics, they are frauds. But people love to be fooled.

May 15, 2012
May 15, 2012

I’ve been through Heathrow’s customs. It’s my opinion that the entirety of the Border Agency staff is made up of horrible cows who are in fact trained in how to be as insulting as possible. -Philo

May 16, 2012

H’row are bad but nothing compared to the pure the LA ones will instill in you. Dear god. And the last time I was taking a plane for Belfast Intl they kept me late and demanded my bags be searched. I very nearly missed the flight and of course nothing was found- their scanners aren’t too good if they can’t see through a Kindle cover… As for Mr Acorah, hell with him, the McCanns suffer enough.