I’m Sparticus

I’ve had a week off work, and that’s why I haven’t been writing here. It was a last minute decision, designed to use up my remaining holiday for 2011. It was nice not to have to come to work, but we didn’t do anything very special. I did smash up an old wardrobe in the spare bedroom, and then had the idea of using the pieces to make a sewing table for the Dragon. It turned out quite well. It’s not exactly finished yet, but it’s functional. I like the whole recycled thing. Also got some Christmas shopping done.

Today there was frost as I drove to work. This is not good. I also have a cold, which is dpressing.

Ken Russell died this morning, which is very sad. He made some powerful films. I remember being shocked by The Devils. I think I’m right in saying that the uncensored version has still never been released. Perhaps they will do so now. I hope so. Ken would have liked that.

I took this picture in a gentlemen’s lavatory this weekend. Thought I’d share.

And today’s nudity story involves Ai Wei Wei, the Chinese artist. Ai is most famous in this coutry for his sunflower seed exhibition at the Tate Modern. In his own country he’s most famous for pissing off the communist party. Consequently he regularly finds himself in prison, accused of tax fraud, and most recently, accused of peddling pornography. The pornography thing comes down to a photograph he published featuring himself and four women, all naked. It’s not erotic, but probably not safe for work either. In any case, the picture upset the authorities and they dragged in one of Ai’s staff for questioning.

That’s not the story though:

The Chinese are not normanlly given to protest, but in this case, they’ve made an exception, and in a really cool way. Soon after the authorities started accusing Ai of spreading obscene material, a website appeared where people were invited to upload nude images of themselves in protest. And they have, dozens of them. Isn’t that great? Makes me wish I was chinese for a day.

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I thought you wrote Kurt Russell, I almost skidded driving! 😛

LOL! 😛 Was lucky! 🙂

November 29, 2011

….that sign both terrifies and delights me. -Philo