I officially hate Google+

I’m tired, didn’t really want to come to work this morning. Apparently we’re due for a little heat wave starting this week. I do hope so. We didn’t really have much of a summer. And I’m sure it would help ripen our tomatoes. We went to Devon for the weekend. Saw some steam engines.

I did not manage to recover any parts of fallen satellite at the weekend. I did find a lump of metal in Mother’s garden, but it turned out to be a caster from the bottom of an arm chair or something.

I joined Google+ last week and downloaded the app for my android phone. It’s taken me this long to work out that my phone has been automatically uploading every photo I take with it. Didn’t anyone at Google think that it might be wise to at least tell users before they made that a default setting? And who the hell would want to upload every single photo anyway? I bet those people paying as they go for mobile bandwidth were chuffed when they realised their phone was doing that. It’s the Eric Schmidt philosophy I suppose, “if you’re taking photos you don’t want other people to see, you probably shouldn’t be taking them in the first place”. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, click here, and check out some of those comments there too.

That man says some astounding things. I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s thick. He’s educated, and possibly even knowledgeable, but I’m pretty sure he’s not smart. He doesn’t even have the sense to shut up. You’d think after the first couple of dozen horrendous gaffs he’d let someone else handle tv interviews.

Mother’s ten-year-old PC is getting glitchy. It’s running XP. We went out to PC World and got her a new box on Sunday with Windows 7. I’m not a PC World fan, but if you want a machine with an operating system, you get a reasonable deal I reckon. I wouldn’t go there for anything else. I haven’t set it up. I’ll do that next time I’m there.

I see Spanker Mosley has lost his appeal in Europe for tougher UK privacy laws. He wanted legislation that would make it mandatory for papers to inform people before they run stories about them. This was after a video emerged starring Mosley performing with some PVC clad prostitutes who definitely weren’t dressed as Nazis. His case was thrown out in May by the European Court of Human Rights. It’s now been thrown out again on appeal.

I’m with Guido Fawkes on this one Max.“If you don’t want to be on the front page of Newspapers, don’t pay hookers to stick dildos up your bum!”

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September 27, 2011

Oh… I didn’t notice the little check button that says ’email ten of my friends’ when I uploaded my holiday pics on there a couple of weeks ago. I ended up with emails saying ‘wtf’ from people I used to work with/hardly speak to because they all had an email from me telling them to look at my pictures. Even though we weren’t google friends, it searched them out from my past emails in my gmail account. Including my recruitment agent from 5 months ago. Nice touch.

September 27, 2011

I love Google and I love most of the things they offer, Hell I would actually go as far as saying I would love to work for them. Things like this start to scare me, as in how easy it is to f*ck things up over the tinterwebs.. When all I did was upload a picture album as I would on FB. Imagine if I had job interviews lined up and it had grabbed those addresses? It’s effin scary how far Google isgoing these days. Did you see on engaget a while ago about how they are predicting pandemics etc through google searches? The Terminator is coming to life haha.

Thanks for this info. I am a sucker for privacy and definitely won’t let pics I take randomly at home being uploaded automatically by google! Not gonna install it.

October 1, 2011

That’s good to know that Google+ does that, though they totally shouldn’t. :-p