I hate badgers

This weekend I have been working tirelessly stripping wallpaper from the living room walls. I am almost ready for re-plastering now. I have a friend who I hope will do it for me, but I want to learn how to plaster myself. Thus, I hope he can do it while I am there and he can show me. I was hoping to sand down the floor this weekend, but I couldn’t rent a sanding machine. I have one booked for the coming weekend however. Look out for pictures.

I bought myself a Kindle e-reader thing for my birthday. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it, but I am very taken with it. I bought the cheapest one because I couldn’t see much advantage of the more expensive ones. I find it very easy to read on the train. I am currently on book three of Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84. Weird and wonderful in about equal measure.

I’ve got the allotment back under control. Weed killer is a great invention. It’s right up there with the wheel as far as I’m concerned. We’ve had much success with sweetcorn this year, and several other things. Oh, and the wasps’ nest is now no longer full of wasps. I want to catch some rabbits and eat them. There are loads of rabbits there.

I can’t find anything in the news I want to talk about. I’m glad we’re not going to invade Syria. I’m still not sure showbiz personalities should be trying to defend themselves against sexual abuse charges from 40 years ago, though I think Rolf Harris is in deep trouble anyway since he seems to have been charged with far more recent child porn offences. Oh, and the badger cull is finally going ahead, good, I hate badgers.

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September 3, 2013

Is the kindle heavy? My friends’ feels heavier than a real book