I don’t know what I find more insulting…

The Attorney general, Dominic Grieve, has blocked the publication of 27 letters written by the Prince of Wales to various government departments during a nine month period in 2004-2005. The Guardian has been battling for seven years to have the letters released under a freedom of information request. Yesterday’s decision to block publication of the material reverses an earlier tribunal ruling which concluded that there was an overwhelming public interest in releasing the material. And the justification for overturning that previous decision made by three judges is nothing short of astounding. Apparently we are told that releasing these letters would, “forfeit his position of political neutrality”. Got that? Apparently these letters demonstrate so effectively that Charles cannot remain politically neutral, that we can’t see them because then we would know he cannot remain politically neutral.

I don’t know what I find more insulting; the fact that Charles thinks it’s OK to use his unelected position to influence parliament, or the fact that the Attorney General thinks it’s OK to admit that the heir to the throne is not politically neural, but it’s OK if he hides the evidence.

Here’s the link to the piece in the Guardian today. I don’t often side with that pinko commy subversive rag, but I’ll make an exception today for the sake of my republican ideals. I sincerely hope that copies of these letters have been made and that they will leak into the public domain shortly anyway.

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October 17, 2012

I found you today while browsing through posts and enjoyed reading your posts quite a lot. Of course, some of the terminology is different since I’m American, but you have a gift for expressing in writing. I added you as a friend, I hope you don’t mind. You’re welcome to stop by my page however, at the moment it is pretty depressing. Something I plan to change, not a depressed person by nature.

October 17, 2012

The royals keep meddling, in Holland the queen reads all the minutes of meeting of the cabinet, so much for being a ceremonial queen. I thinks the royals should be retired.

October 17, 2012

…I read the Guardian when I lived over there. -Philo

October 18, 2012
