Have some pictures

This weekend we met Chewbacca, Han Solo, a bunch of storm troopers, Darth Vader, and loads of other robots and aliens at the sci fi exhibition. It was pretty good.

The boy loved it and we got lots of pictures. We also bought him a light saber, which is so going to break a light at some point. That was on Saturday.

On Sunday I put some shelves up in the Dragon’s den, which I’ve been promising to do for some weeks. I am so good at shelves. It made her happy.

Last night I made some ginger beer with the boy. We’ve been fermenting a ginger beer plant for a week now.

It’s Tuesday now and I am not having a good week at work already. I don’t feel appreciated. Last night I was at the office from 8am to 6pm, and then I went home with my laptop to complete something. I don’t care about praise, and God knows I am so not looking for promotion. It might have been nice if someone had said, “thanks for doing that last night”, when I arrived the following morning. All I got was snide remarks about a typing error. Well I won’t be doing it again. I actually shot my CV off to a couple of places and I got a call back already.

Never mind, have a look at this cheetah robot. This is impressive. Currently it can run on all fours at about 29kph. I think they are in early stages. They’re talking about speeds of 80kph. Currently it’s only running on a treadmill and it appears to need an umbilical cord. Long term plans are to get it running on real ground.

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March 7, 2012

Snide remarks about a typo? Urgh, salt in wounds. Nasty.

March 7, 2012

That Stormtrooper is a bit out of uniform… -Philo