Hasn’t he ever seen Goldfinger?

I forgot to set the alarm last night and overslept this morning. I was late for work, or later than usual but still at my desk soon after 8.30. I don’t like that. I never sleep late. The dragon and the boy only have to make it to the school across the road. They won’t have been late.

I’ve not mentioned any nudity stories for a while. I’m guessing they sort of dry up a bit in the winter months. However, I do keep reading about potential new legislation in San Francisco which would prohibit public nudity. In my innocence I thought nudity was hyper illegal all over the US. It seems I was wrong however. San Francisco has allowed nudity for years, and no one told me. There are moves afoot however to change all this and ban public nudity except at parades. Although I understand that breasts are exempt.

There are evidently strong feelings about this proposed ban, on both sides of the argument. The gentleman attempting to bring about a ban is one Scott Weiner, I know, you couldn’t make it up could you, and he claims that unregulated nudity has become a problem in the last two years. Gypsy Taub, can’t be her real name can it, on the other hand is campaigning to maintain the relaxed nudity legislation. She managed to cause quite a stir taking her clothes off in court. I understand Ms Taub also hosts a tv show called “My Naked Truth”, in which people tend to be naked.

Personally, I realise that nudity can be anti social. Nothing changed overnight however. Why suddenly the need for new legislation? In fact many places, the UK included, manages perfectly well with no legislation. You’d think the authorities would have better things to do.

I think an EU referendum is becoming inevitable. The PM is sounding more and more sceptical. He’s in a bit of an awkward position since he just lost a commons vote over EU budget policy. My guess is that he will try and give us a bullshit referendum about “clawing back power from Brussels”. But that isn’t going to fool the average voter. Everyone wants an in/out vote. Ken Clarke was on the radio this morning telling us again how awful it would be if we left Europe. I don’t know why the old fool doesn’t just shut up.

Jon Snow apparently once considered killing Idi Armin. Personally, I think my money would have been on Mr. Armin in a fair fight. I reckon he could probably have handled himself in an Eastend Pub. Not sure about Mr. Snow. Looks more like a wine bar man to me. The story goes that Snow considered shooting Armin when they ended up travelling in the same plane. Doesn’t sound like a good plan to me anyway. You don’t fire guns in a pressurised cabin! Hasn’t he ever seen Goldfinger?

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November 19, 2012

Amin committed unspeakable atrocities in Uganda. Oh wait, that is normal for an African ruler, a way to gain respect. As far as nudity in SF is concerned, no one wants to be confronted by ugly middle-aged people in the nude, they should cover up their imperfections. Maybe they should hand out licenses for going nude. Sounds like a nice job to have perhaps, nudity license examiner.

November 19, 2012

Sleeping in every now and then will neither kill you nor cost you your job; you don’t make a habit of it, I think you can be forgiven this time.

November 20, 2012

How could you oversleep and still make it to work on time? I always set my alarm early and never make it to work on time

November 21, 2012

RYN: Always bring a train map with you! Look at the maps/signs and take a photo before you walk anywhere! And ask the train station master if in doubt! Getting the suica/pasmo helps a lot and the 3 most important words: sorry/excuse me, please and nevermind 🙂 Eat lots of bentos for me! <3

November 21, 2012

… and it should help that the dragon can read Chinese!

November 22, 2012