Getting Old

This was written yesterday, but OD didn’t want to play, so it was never posted.

So, Stephen Hester, RBS chief exec, has waived his £1 million bonus. Well let’s face it, he was likely to be shot by some vigilante if he hadn’t. But I think a more interesting story here is the question of whether he will resign. The banking industry constantly relies on a single argument to justify obscene bonuses. They claim that the bonuses are required or the talented people will resign and work for other organisations. Lets see if Hester resigns. If he does then RBS can say, “told you so”. If he doesn’t, maybe they should shut up!

Boris Johnson has come out in favour of allowing parents to smack their children. This came out of the blue a bit, but Boris is up for re-election as mayor soon, which may be something to do with it. He also made a fairly outspoken comment on the RBS bonus culture recently. He’s right however. Currently parents are allowed to smack children over the age of two (I think) as long as it doesn’t leave a mark. I don’t know what constitutes a “mark”. Almost any contact would leave a mark if you examine it closely enough.

We’ve got to the point however where I think parents are worrying about prosection if they try to physically discipline their children. Christina Odone in the Telegraph has gone as far as to suggest that class lines dictate what parents do instead of smacking now. SHe claims the working classes elect to do nothing while the middle classes pay for drugs and therapists for their children, which is faily horrifying if it’s true.

We went to Bristol at the weekend to see Chinese New Year festivities. It was pretty good, though not terribly well organised. The boy now wants to start learning to Kung Fu.

We have a trip planned to Taipei in April. I haven’t got tickets yet, but I have my best man working on it. I haven’t been back there for 2 years/ I miss the place.

I’ve had a letter from the doctor basically telling me I am old and need a health check. How depressing is that? I have to call them back and confirm that I am indeed old and will come in for a check. I suppose it’s a good thing.

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January 30, 2012

saw you on the front page; theres somehting about Boris I like, I think it might be connected to his ridiculous hair and that look he has of having just fallen out of bed and not knowing where he is. Lol. I wonder about him though, is he just a puppet to higher powers or does he have his own mind on things?

January 31, 2012

Depressing indeed – like when you get to the stage where your arms aren’t long enough anymore to read the small print and there’s nothing for it but get some reading glasses. Post riots heard interview on R4 with ex-gang guy who told of violent teens who would say “touch me and I’ll report you for child abuse” leaving parents unsure how to control their delinquent kids & often afraid.

January 31, 2012

I miss Taiwan toooooooo!

January 31, 2012

The same argument, about talent needing crazy salaries, is used in the US to justify exorbitant rates for healthcare, for higher education, sports, etc. If everyone buys it, the skimming continues and the beneficiaries are laughing all the way to the bank about us idiots.

February 1, 2012
February 2, 2012

Yes, you are probably right, I reckon the “daft as a brush” act could be useful for wriggling out of sticky situations! Have a good weekend! x