Eight Bears

We have sold 8 teddy bears on ebay. That’s pretty awesome isn’t it. It’s also slightly embarrassing because we only have one, so the dragon is having to make another 7. Neither of us really knew how to fly ebay, so we did it by trial and error. Worked a bit too well really. Anyway, we’re going to try and produce the shortfall and send them out. All proceeds going in the Taiwan air ticket fund, along with car boot sale proceeds. We also have some needle cases and pin cushions to sell. I don’t think we’ll get rich this way.

I really like Asimo the Honda Robot, and they’ve upgraded him again. He was beginning to lose ground to the competition. Sony and several others have made some very impressive bi-ped robots over the last few years. But Asimo looks back on top now, with new hands, and better voice recognition. He can also run, jump, and hop. He runs much faster than any of the other bi-peds I’ve seen. See it all here.

I really like this page on the BBC site that was inspired by the population of the world reaching seven billion. You have to enter your birthday and it tells you where you fit.

And a quick nudity story before I go, The Barnestaple Marks and Spencers staff are selling a calendar of naked pictures of themselves to raise money for chemotherapy. I know it’s been done thousands of times before, but I like it, and it’s in a good cause. Also, there’s added interest for me because I know that branch. It’s my mother’s local one. I go in there al lthe time. Why did only teh women do it? I’d be pretty pissed off if I worked there and didn’t get a chance to join in because I’m a bloke.

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Lol! As in fully naked? 😛

November 9, 2011

At best maybe you’d afford airport tax selling teddy bears? April’s coming! Taiwan is awesome 🙂

Would they choose just the young slim staff or any female staff? 🙂

November 9, 2011

That BBC page is awesome!!

Hahaha yes I saw! 🙂

November 9, 2011

RYN: Parsnips have a very strong flavour to me, they just take over the whole dish. And roasted, the flavour is even more intense, and it’s just not a nice one. It’s like people who don’t like coriander. As for Diet Coke, well, I think it’s the sharpness of the bubbles (that and the zero calories plus the caffeine buzz). Normal coke just tastes funny and like drinking watered down treacle.

November 10, 2011

As long as there are always people in the world who are willing to eat the parsnip if it gets onto my plate of food then it’s all good. I’m weird in that I like it to flavour food – a bit like a chunk of ginger would flavour a dish but you wouldn’t want to actually eat the chunk of ginger on it’s own.

November 11, 2011

Your urge to Get Naked for Britain is laudable, I think? -Philo

November 12, 2011