Disaster Recovery Glasses

I broke my stupid glasses. The arm has come off, but I think it could be repaired with just a new arm, or maybe the old one can be fixed back in. The looking through bit isn’t broken. I bet they tell me they can’t get spare parts though. The dragon has gone to the optician with them today to see if they can be repaired. Currently I am using my disaster recovery pair. That’s actually an old pair, and an even older pair together. I look like a special needs child.

I managed to get to the boy’s martial arts class on Friday. He seems really into it. He also wants to join the school choir because they are going to put on a show in June at the local leisure centre. He seems to be quite musical. We should get him playing an instrument. One thing I really like about the boy is that he doesn’t seem to be influenced by peer pressure at all. None of his friends wants to join the choir. He just made the choice by himself. He came top of his class at maths last week too. Little man seems to be good at everything, except swimming, he’s not a good swimmer.

There was a piece in the Telegraph last week suggesting that hackers should be paid for breaking into computer systems. It apparently originates from Major General Jonathan Shaw, hereafter known as, “Jon the Dick”. Here’s the thing about hackers Jon the Dick, they are not hyper intelligent beings committing victimless crimes for the greater good of society. They are insecure, sweaty palmed geeks trying to punish society because they have never had sex. Anyone can learn to hack. All the information is available on line. Rewarding these foul people is a bit like paying burglars for pointing out the easiest way to break into your house. Seriously, is this a spoof or something?

On the subject of nudity. It seems very likely that nude body scanners are to be installed in British airports. I think this may be a move to take people’s mind off the appalling immigration delays, but I could be wrong about that. The point is, these things have been trialled at Manchester and, although there was some question about safety, they have now been approved by the EU. But they don’t seem to have been reading this blog. Only a few weeks ago I covered a story that showed how alarmingly easy it was to fool these things. I’m definitely going to see if I can smuggle a cigarette case or something through next time I fly.

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May 8, 2012
May 8, 2012

You do know that one of the reasons Google is so secure is because they give out rewards to people who can hack their systems?

May 8, 2012

Sorry – That wasn’t the first thing I wanted to note about, that was a little bit rude of me. Before that I wanted to say how awesome your little boy is. It’s great that you’re noticing his little flares. Awesome child. You guys seriously represent what all parents should be like. You’re awesome. Do you ever plan on making any more babies?? x

May 8, 2012

That’s a bit different?? Lol. Yes they do, they pay big money – And they are doing the right thing because they basically encourage every little scrote living at home with their mum to hack their servers. Winner gets a million dollers.. Losers.. Get to look for other jobs. You have to admit from Google’s point of view.. How could you not win? Aside from terrorists, your biggest threat is peoplewho have no lives and hack. So they offer rewards, update their systems and then up the rewards on their new systems.. Hence why it’s so high right now. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/02/google-1-million-dollar-hack-contest/

May 8, 2012

RE your glasses, I know the feeling, it’s awful. And I’m sure you don’t look like special needs child, dear. More like my mother when she played camogie, I’d say! The body scanner shite? Well, I’m screwed cos from the pics I’ve seen it doesn’t look enough for a disability aid and there are people who can walk but cannot stand alone in the position you must adopt- what do we do, not fly?

May 8, 2012

I’m so impressed that he wants to be in the choir.

May 9, 2012

RYN: LOL it’s the female form of hurling in Ireland, I think. Aye but the Powers That Be don’t give a shite about that, do they?