conversational goldmine

Who does Alex Salmond think he’s kidding? I don’t understand why politicians insist on sticking to a story that everyone knows to be utter horseshit. We all know why you want to delay a referendum on Scottish independence Mr. Salmond. It’s because you won’t get the result you want if you hold it now. Tony Blair did precisely the same thing with a referendum on the last EU treaty. David Cameron is no better of course. We all know he’s pushing for a referendum now because it’s likely to return the result he does want.

Each man claims he has the mandate to call a referendum, and it’s been suggested that it will go to the supreme court. Salmond will lose if it does. Constitutional powers were never devolved to Scotland. For myself, I don’t care very much. I consider myself about a quarter Scottish, but I’m definitely more British. If they vote for independence it will be a huge mistake, but it won’t affect me much.

Moving on from yesterday’s report in the mail about Brazilian brides walking up the aisle commando, the same paper is today carrying a report about British underwear habits. Apparently 95% of British women put on fresh underwear every morning, but only 78% of men do. This information has proved to be a conversational goldmine in the office today. It has spawned such topics as:

If you were drunk and with a lady that turned out to be a shemale, what would you do?
How often do you change your sheets?
Would you sleep naked with another man?
Would you get into a jacuzzi naked with another man?
Is spooning another man acceptable and at what point does it become unacceptable?

There are people in here suddenly quesationing their sexuality I think.

Ooh, the boy won an art competition at school yesterday. He won a book and some chocolate. And he’s going to be a tree and a narrator in the forethcoming production of Red Riding Hood at his school. I’m going to watch on 18th. Which reminds me, I must make arrangements to work a half day or something.

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January 16, 2012

RYN saying “Greece is in worse trouble than the US.” That is not really known for sure. Of course Greece has no income-generation capability to speak of, but the US has also been printing money out of thin air, the extent is secret. I am not sure how you recover from that..

January 16, 2012

Regarding the Euro, I recall that planning the implementation took 5-10 years. So getting rid of it won’t be quick. It will be an interesting exercise. Or maybe it is easy. If Greece is leaving the Euro zone, they just start creating their own currency out of thin air, and the pocket change they have in Euro can be used where needed. I am not sure what pain it will cause to the other Euro countries? They won’t have to pay Greece back anything I presume?

February 3, 2012

No problem getting into a jacuzzi naked with another man but wouldn’t want to sleep naked with another man and would never spoon another man unless necessary for survival (cold etc). Alex salmond is very clever. If anyone can pull it off he can. I wish him all the best if it saves us money.