Astrologist, and why nudity is good for you

I’m astounded by the woeful quality of science reporting in the press. The Daily Telegraph reporter who wrote this article doesn’t appear to know the difference between astronomy and astrology. In fact he seems to have invented the word “astrologist”. He did change it after the flood of ridicule he suffered from people commenting. He should however be publicly flogged. I bet he gets paid £50K a year or something ridiculous.

The sun is out and Spring is most definitely on it’s way. I so love this time of year. I’m sure there was some administrative cock-up when I was born. I was so meant to live on a tropical island, or in the Mediterranean or somewhere. Just a couple of weeks and I leave for Taiwan. Not quite a tropical paradise, but one of my favourite places in the world and my second home.

I don’t like people who enter into sham marriages for the purposes of immigration. I don’t like it because it encourages the government to redouble their efforts to appear to be doing something to control immigration, and that usually entails making life more difficult for those of us who have a genuine marriage with someone outside Europe. It does give me a rather warm and fuzzy feeling however when a sham couple are caught and end up behind bars. I was particularly pleased that this couple were caught just as they were tying the knot and were actually led away in handcuffs. The groom got two years and the bride got 15 months, good-o! They really didn’t do their home work very well. All the bride could tell the authorities about her fiancee was that his hobby was driving. The groom did little better. All he seemed to know about his fiancee’s country was that Poland was cold and had forests. He also managed to misspell her name on marriage documents. You’d think he’d check that beforehand wouldn’t you.

OK, there are two nudity stories I want to mention quickly. Firstly I really like the naked protest at Birmingham airport against bio-fuel. It resulted in arrest and fines, and it was a protest against something really stupid. However I award top marks anyway because there was full nudity and they looked like they had a great time doing it.

Secondly I stumbled across the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) today. I have no idea what or who they are, but the chap in charge, one Hank Pellisier, has written a great piece explaining why nudity is good for us. I honestly can’t decide whether he’s serious or not, but I like it anyway. Read it and see what you think.

OK, it’s 4.45 and my boss has gone home, so I am going to slip quietly away. I’m not sorry. I worked late yesterday and it’s not like anyone appreciates me anyway.

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March 14, 2012

RYN: I’m fine now, thank you. RE scanners, that’s only Manchester says that, apparently; I’ve never used one and I hope I never do. Not cos of radiation fears or whatever. Just don’t wanna. And that guy really is a prick. I’m sick of laughing with it.

March 14, 2012

At least the Birmingham group looked pleasing to the eye. But what on earth is a ‘victim surcharge’? Were the defendents charged a tax on use of the airport facilities?

March 18, 2012