Astounding (said with deep sarcasm)

Well summer is finally here then, as we approach October. If it stays nice over the weekend we may do another car boot sale on Sunday.

This thing about particles travelling faster than the speed of light, if you read the BBC report, the maths doesn’t work. They give you all the figures and tell you that the particles arrived at the detector 0.00000006 seconds sooner than they would have done at the speed of light. But even if you add that time to the time they supposedly actually took, they still went much faster than the speed of light. And they should be travelling slower than C because they have mass. Alan says that the measured distance of 732km only has to be out by about 20cm to produce this kind of error. He reckons that the problem could be that they didn’t take into account the spin of the earth. The earth could have moved 20 cm in 0.0024 seconds. He also said that a signal going down a wire can cause this kind of lag. So unless anyone actually knows the precise setup of the experiment, they aren’t likely to be able to see an error even if it was present. Alan also pointed out the neutrino speed has also been measured before when supernova explosions occur, and they don’t appear to arrive hours ahead of schedule then.

I have 11 days holiday left to take before the end of the year. Christmas is on a Sunday, so I guess that means 26th and 27th Dec are bank holidays anyway. So I need to take three days to avoid working between Christmas and New Year. That leaves eight days spare to play.

We’ve been discussing the case of Amanda Knox in the office today. I’ve come to the conclusion that, if I was a on the jury, there would be sufficient doubt in my mind to acquit her. However, I’ve also decided that I think she’s nice looking and it could be that I just don’t want her to be guilty. Conversely, Kira says she would put her away for life if she was on the jury, because she has “serial killer written all over her face”.

I just heard that the boy came home dehydrated from school and threw up. Apparently it is school policy to allow children outside to play only if they wear their jumpers. It’s the hottest day of the year I think. It’s certainly up around 27C. Astounding isn’t it. Want to know what else is astounding, this happened on Monday too. He threw up and the school asked us to keep him away from school for 48 hours in case he has bug. So we did, and he was fine, and when he went back today the dragon actually told his teacher that he threw up because he got too hot and he didn’t need his jumper.

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September 29, 2011

Did his teachers freak out that they might be liable that he threw up because Health and Human Safety rules the UK at the speed of light, or were they off by 20cm? -Philo

September 30, 2011

poor boy 🙁 funnily enough i spent most of my day trying to persuade children to take their jumpers off!! .

October 1, 2011

Poor kid. 🙁