A sale, a referendum, nudity, and a closet dweller

And so begins another week. We did another car boot sale yesterday and finally sold one of our push chairs. We only got £10 for it, but we got it from a car boot sale ourselves years ago and it didn’t really owe us anything. It was our backup and we left it at my parents’ house. It went to a nice family though, and they seemed very pleased with it. After the car boot sale we went swimming. By the time we got home again at about 4pm, it felt like a long day already. We had to get up at 6am to get to the sale. I like days like that. It feels like we’ve achieved something. We’ve done four sales now and made about £115. The season has ended now though and I don’t think we have enough stock for another one anyway. I think I could have sold my old valve radio yesterday. I sold one already. But the dragon decided that she wanted to keep the nice one, so we didn’t make the sale.

I don’t understand why our PM won’t allow a free vote on a referendum about EU membership. What’s he so scared of? Labour and Lib Dem MPs will vote against a referendum anyway, so there is absolutely no chance of him actually having to agree to a referendum. And what would be so awful about having a referendum anyway? If he’s as eurosceptical as he claims to be, he should welcome it. I find it astounding that none of the major parties now represent public opinion. William Hague says it’s the “wrong question at the wrong time”. It’s difficult to imagine what the right question would be. How many ways can you ask “in, out, or renegotiate”? As for the wrong time, there’s never going to be a right time is there.

I really find nudity hysterical. I think I may include a daily nudity story from now on.

The Queen has been mooned in Australia. I think I would describe myself as a republican, but I quite like the queen. She’s currently touring Australia and there has already been some controversy because the PM, Julia Gillard, failed to curtsey when she met the queen. But back to the mooning story! According to the Telegraph, “Liam Warriner, aged 22, allegedly ran for about 50 yards alongside the royal motorcade with an Australian flag wedged between his buttocks, before he was apprehended by police”. Hang on, he ran 50 yards with a flag wedged between his buttocks? I’d say that was quite an achievement. I may try that myself, with a union flag of course.

Now finally, here’s a weird little story I found in the Independent. A man in Japan became suspicious about food mysteriously vanishing from his home. So, thinking he had a persistent burglar, he installed some security cameras that sent pictures to his smart phone. The images revealed a 58-year-old homeless woman living in one of his cupboards. The police were called and it transpired that she had been living there undetected for around a year. She slept on a mattress in the cupboard and even took showers.

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October 24, 2011

Was the flag wedged, or pushed in? Hard to run like that either way I guess. If you do decide to try it, I might see you on a news site perhaps.

October 24, 2011

Oh yes, very impressed by ability to run with anything clutched between buttocks! Give the man a medal. Now there’s a skill that could perk up – so to speak – the Olympics.

October 27, 2011

Yeeeeees, those Aussies….though they do make a fine shampoo. -Philo

October 27, 2011


November 8, 2011