Traded in the iPhone (cos don’t need two phones) for iPad mini

So, I ditched the iPhone bc I only need the Pixel to check my blood, so I got a used iPad mini for it with a cute Kate Spade case for it. It was an iPhone 7 so no biggie. Plus I’m selling him my Samsung tablet tomorrow for extra cash. 🙂

Well… I forgot to take pix of our dinner, but I had a hamberder with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, and mustard. It came with fries, and fuck were they awesomesauce!!! 😀 With tons of gravy too. 🙂 And a piece of southern blueberry pie. (hot though!)

It was great, but the waitress stiffed Julie on the bill. 🙁 

I have an little iPad now that can do some things but not much bc it’s a very old one? IDGAF. I love it. 🙂

Trump advised Doug (Ontario’s premier of doom) to eradicate healthcare … to be like ‘Merica and ‘Make Canada Great Again!’ I think that if Ford listens to the Dumpster, then, holy fuck, I’m booking it to Mexico. Or Finland. Or Switzerland… or hell even Australia!! I’m so done with his bs, stick a fork in me babes. 

Maybe there is a reason the Ford men are cursed. His dad died of cancer, brother the Mayor of Toronto Rob did too… y’know????



Oh, and my hamberder was delicious!







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