I am so done with Prosebox..

I have had enough of snarky people on there. I have had enough of their strange ways with the images and links. And while I do have some friends on there, I am going to be here too. Just like Cathi and GypsyWynd and Forest Queen and Melanie.

Anyways… it’s getting late. 

Bon nuit!


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August 22, 2023

Ah dual citizenship!

August 22, 2023

@bronner I have made my decision. I’m here for good. I prefer OD’s WYSIWYG editor over some weird arse coding…

August 22, 2023

I’m still on there although most think I’m crazy and just leave me alone.

August 22, 2023

@raphaeltiriel Well.. you do have these creative outbursts Raphael. 🙂

August 22, 2023


Creativity is always good

August 22, 2023

@raphaeltiriel Not to some people. I see it but many don’t sadly.