Feeling a bit downtrodden today…

Stupid depression and paranoia are back, saying “Sam, you are utterly useless. You have no place in this world.” I know that this is bullsh-t and that I shouldn’t listen to it but certain people are being complete asses. I am sorry I am being a bit vague but I … just want today to end. Tomorrow will be much better. It better be anyways. Heh. I will make it better if not. I have the power to. I don’t need let this sh-t get me down.

Anyways, this weekend is with J (ugh) and while she is nice to some, not to me. 🙁 She is rather abrupt with me. Thankfully I get paid this Thursday. I can show you all of the nice foliage. 🙂

I need to get to bed soon. I need some one British’s take on this: a diaper is called a nappy or nappie, am I right??


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August 26, 2023

You are correct: The Cambridge Dictionary says: “Nappy: a square of thick soft paper or cloth that is fastened around a baby’s bottom and between its legs to absorb its urine and solid waste; I knew William when he was still in nappies (= when he was a baby).”

I’m sorry you’re feeling down today.  You’re right, tomorrow will be better or at least different.  And you’ve only to ask your OD friends to know you have a very important place in the world: being you!

August 27, 2023

@ghostdancer Thank you. 🙂 I do feel better today. If not totally zombified. Heh.

August 26, 2023

Sorry you are down today! You are very needed and loved! You are far from useless! If you do nothing in life but spread the love and joy you do…you can say you are successful! Nothing has more value than that

August 27, 2023


August 26, 2023

Sammy, I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling good today. We need your rays of sunshine to make OD the place it can be! You’re bright, funny, fun and insightful — far from useless and unimportant. We love you!

August 27, 2023

@darkmadonna Merci mon amie. 🙂

August 27, 2023

Yes friend. We have the power to create our own happiness. But true, some days like suck but let’s hope those days are far and few!

August 27, 2023

@starcrysta Amen BC. 🙂