Morning Peace on the Porch

Up and out with the sunrise this morning as it reflects across the morning dew. It is another peaceful morning as I walked my first four thousand steps. There are no other walkers this morning. I suppose they are just arising from their slumber and preparing to also get out and enjoy this wonderful morning.

I am once again sitting on my porch of solitude listening to the morning birds sing their songs. Coffee is on the brew and I will soon enjoy a simple cup of it. I enjoy it black with no additives. I have moved on from the past where I would load up that cup with cream and sugar and knock back a half dozen cups of it before noon. No, for me now it’s one cup and simple black. Later in the morning I will prepare a cup of green tea, steeped to perfection with a slice of lemon and half teaspoon of local honey.

On the sixteenth day of sobriety I feel at peace and one with the earth. My mind stirs with thoughts of returning to the gym to start training my body to give life to those tight muscles. I think a lot about my health and foods which I have been eating and have decided to slowly return to the vegan diet that I once lived by. It was two whole years that I ate by some pretty simple rules. No meat, No diary, No eggs, No cheese. I avoided all of the foods that damage both my body and soul and ate those foods that provide nourishment. That was many years ago and now at the age of 63 I once again feel the longing for the same healing I felt then.

It is a wonderful morning and I look forward to what the rest of day brings me.

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