Change of diet+GERD

I am leaning towards a soft diet now, nothing too heavy. Why? Because I want to have a good bod for summer.  The word good is subjective and I just wanted to feel more fit, I am doing some home workouts now too – mainly jumping rope as I am so amused with the jumping rope tricks I’ve been seeing over the internet.

Also I have a GERD and it’s killing me. I acquired this years ago due to coffee, soda, and all unhealthy drinks and foods. So being on a soft diet would help me fight against this too.

It has been a while since  I had this feeling.. the feeling of having the will to move forward or achieve something for a change. Baby steps for now..

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January 20, 2024

Try adding fiber to your diet, psyllium husk teaspoon each morning, it got rid of my heartburn gerd

January 21, 2024

@deesundoodle Thanks! will try this!