
  • This sleeping stuff is getting ridiculous. I was in bed at 8:30 last night, turned the light out at 10:30 and got up at 10:30 this morning! I am not taking any sleep aid at all and I am sleeping this long? I really don’t like losing so much of the day. And having breakfast so late. I AM aware that sleeping so much is one of my symptoms of depression, but I have no other symptoms. I am feeding myself, showering regularly, wearing clean clothes and getting things done {albeit slowly} in preparation for my eventual move.
  • I got a phone call yesterday from the doctor I saw a few days ago {YES! The real actual doctor!} saying she was a bit concerned about my kidney and wanted to have an ultrasound done. Now, that is NOT good news. I tried to get her to be more specific about what she had seen but she said she wanted to see the result of the ultrasound before she talked to me about it. This is not good news because this is the only kidney I have left and I am too old for a transplant. It has just occurred to me that perhaps this excessive sleeping is my body’s way of dealing with this fear… I have the ultrasound next Thursday. OK, back to the mantra that got me through two different cancers. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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December 8, 2012

Dang those doctors! Don’t they know that the fear and worry are twice as bad when a patient DOESN’T know what’s going through their mind as when they DO? Here’s to a really “sound” ultrasound! 😉

December 8, 2012

It’s my guess that you are sleeping so much because you have just recently gone through a VERY traumatic time that was hard on you in ALL ways, and you need a good deal of time to fully recover from that….mind, body, and spirit. hugs, Nicky

December 8, 2012

p.s. I sure hope your kidney is ok!!!!! Please keep us posted!!!!! (((((huuuuugggggsssss))))) Nicky

December 8, 2012

Ugh, I absolutely detest when doctor’s do that. Yes, of course schedule you for the U/S, but at least give you a little insight into why to reassure you some so that you don’t turn into a huge wreck.

maybe you need to set an alarm for yourself in the morning? I hate waking up to an alarm, but sometimes it is a necessary evil.

December 8, 2012

That is irritating when a doctor calls and says just enough to worry us. Hopefully all will be ok and you might not be too old for transplant surgery. Let’s think positive, I know you know how to do that having survived 2 cancers. I’m with the above noter about setting an alarm clock, although I hate to wake that way but have to since I’m working. It might get you trained to wake earlier, just 30 minuets at a time.

December 8, 2012

doctors don’t give information over the phone and i hate that. phone calls from doctors themselves makes you worry more than you would if a nurse called you. prayers there’s nothing to worry about. take care,

Maybe it is daylength, or lack thereof. I’m sleeping much later than I normally do and I know it is because of the lack of daylight.

That lack of light thing is part of why I’m sleeping later. At least that’s self-correcting (after a few months). My strongest good thoughts for an ultra-sound that shows no problem.

December 8, 2012

I see it as catching up on some much needed sleep.

December 8, 2012

What does that mantra actually mean? Is it something like I have to enough to think about today – tomorrow can take care of itself sort of thing?

December 8, 2012

I hope things turn out well. It is a lot to worry about.

December 10, 2012

I will hope and pray that all goes well. I forget where you are moving! That must create a lot of stress. Read a book. Hope all goes well. Take care.

Oh, no 🙁 All we can really do is deal with each day as it is set before us. Worry about what might be steals the joy of the what is or can be. We are here to help you. *HUGS* and prayers!

Sending good thoughts your way. Hugs.

I hope everything goes well with the ultrasound..please keep us posted! Is it cold where you are? I find I sleep more when it is colder..I had the hardest time waking up this morning..I am blaming the weather:)

December 11, 2012

Hope all is well… found a site I think you would REALLY REALLY enjoy. https://www.zooniverse.org/ I am doing the one where you classify papyrus. FASCINATING

I’m sending healing thoughts your way and wishing you all the best. (((hugs)))