Weird Things

I have now been tagged twice to do this so I guess I should write six weird things about myself.

Weird? Who, me?

1. I NEED to have extras of things. This includes toilet paper and dishwasher detergent… I know where this comes from. When I lived in Mississippi, I lived a 30 minute drive from any store. If we ran out of toilet paper, we had a big problem! I get uncomfortable when my gas gauge drops below a half. On my grocery  list right now is molasses. I use molasses only when I make gingerbread which I don’t do very often but I am uncomfortable because I don’t have any in the house.

2. I am thrilled that I can grow my nails because I was a nail biter for many years but, once they grow,  I ruthlessly cut them back because I can’t stand dirty nails. I had a friend who had lovely long nails and I never EVER saw her with dirty nails, not once in all the years I have known her. So, what is her secret? When I try to let my nails grow, I am obsessively checking them for dirt all the time.

3. I enjoy being by myself. Fred and I often go for hours without saying a word to each other. It is not the "I’m not speaking to YOU!" type silence and it is not the "I’ve got nothing to say" silence. When we do talk, we often talk for a long time but neither of us seem to feel the necessity to talk for the sake of talking.

4. I am obsessively early for appointments. This comes from my father who would never wait one minutes for me or anyone else. If I was supposed to be there at 2 pm and I arrived at 2:01, he was gone. Of course, this was long before the days of cellphones. I think he would have waited if he had a good reason to.

5. I have been retired from teaching for almost ten years. Yet, I very often mentally find myself thinking, "Now, how I would I teach this…"

6. If you watch Project Runway, you will know who Elyse is. She is a clothing designer who prefers to sew by hand. This is me. I CAN use a machine {I am not sure Elyse can} but prefer to sew by hand. Right now I have Fred’s leather glove sitting on my desk so I can sew up a seam in the finger.

Hmmm, was I supposed to do five or six of these? Anyway, I tag anyone who hasn’t done it and wants to explore their weirdness…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

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December 23, 2007

Nope. Reading yours is good enough for me thanks! :-))