Various Things

  • This is me not talking about the dead  phone. 
  • Well, I bit the bullet a few days ago and bought a Dyson vacuum. I tried Jake’s huge heavy one and, although it does a great job of cleaning, it is unbelievably heavy. I got the Dyson Animal one not because I have a cat but because I hope to have one in the future. My sister had exactly this same one—but she had three cats– so I know what a good job it does from personal experience. It hasn’t arrived as yet but I will report on it when it does.
  • I am still dealing with what I think of as Teetering on the Edge of the Pit of Depression. I have mentioned before an experience I had in 1998 when I was home alone after surgery for renal cancer. I was able to get myself to the bathroom by pushing a chair in front of me but for a while, doing any house cleaning was impossible. One day I sat on the floor beside my bed, picked up the books and magazines, and with a tissue I wiped down the bedside table I was using. I was amazed how just that tiny little straightening up made me feel so much better. In this apartment right now there are a few boxes yet unopened but there are many piles of "stuff’ looking for a new home. So, last night I pushed aside Jake’s vacuum and a box I had partially cleared out and went through all the "stuff" that is on the art table. I stacked all the paper neatly in the collapsible box I use for paper and what wouldn’t fit in there was sorted by size.  Again, I am delighted by how much better I felt just by doing that little bit. So, more of the same today. My plan is to get to all the clothes piled on the chair in the bedroom out of that chair and put away and then to start on the piles of "stuff " on top of the two chests of drawers…
  • In this apartment complex there are Phase One apartments and Phase Two apartments. I and everyone else in the Phase Two apartments got an email from management last night postponing the scheduled repainting of the parking lines. It will affect me when it happens because I will have to find a parking place in  Phase One’s area. I am in a Phase Two apartment right now and it is further away from the exits one uses to get out into the road. This means to me that when I move my car, walking back to my apartment block will be easy—all downhill. Walking back to the car will be more difficult. Since they are not doing it  on the scheduled two days because we have had so much rain, it has been postponed until some time on April. It is not going to be a big chore for me to move my car. And if I don’t want to deal with walking back and forth to the car in its new and temporary place, I can just stay home!
  • In the matter of going to bed and getting up, I seem to be turning into Fred! For the last few days I have been going to bed in the small hours and getting up around 10 AM. I really don’t like this because morning is the time when I have the most energy and when I get up at 10 AM, most of the morning has gone. So, today I am going to bed at 10 PM and setting the alarm for 7 AM. When I go to bed at 10, I don’t go to sleep at that time. I usually read for an hour or so. I will probably read for a couple of hours tonight but I am still forcing myself to get up at 7 AM.








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March 26, 2013

It’s hard to make your body clock behave, isn’t it? Moving into a new place requires a lot of thinking and a lot of energy. You are doing well to do a little bit every day. The Dyson vacuum looks great. I think our next one will be a Dyson. Do you have carpet or smooth floors?

March 26, 2013

Setting that darn body clock is a pain, isn’t it? I applaud your cleaning efforts — good for you! I still think that you’re adjusting to all of the changes in your life in the last year, so I’m not at all surprised by your feelings of depression. But I also think that you’re doing all of the right things by planning, writing and sorting.

I can’t wait to hear about your review on the Dyson. I have always wanted one of those pet vacuums.

March 26, 2013

I’m a morning person. I know what you mean about 10:00 being late in the day. To me, the day is half over by then!

March 26, 2013

🙂 – – – –

March 26, 2013

I know exactly what you mean about being able to clean and de-clutter makes you feel better. I know that is what helped me out of my deep depression. When I start sinking again, I get up and do something productive!

March 27, 2013

When they get ready to do the parking lot go out first thing and tell the foremen you will have to walk up hill to get your car. Ask him if you can park it in a far corner out of the way and then when they are finished close to your apartment ask them to come tell you to move back to a spot close to your apartment. Also ask the office if they can mark another parking spot as handicap. This wouldbe a good time to get that extra spot.

March 27, 2013

A little cleaning can go a long way & can work wonders for ones mental status / emotions for the time being. It’s why I get mad & clean…it makes me feel better & lets me concentrate on something other than being mad.

March 27, 2013

Oh, BTW…you will love the Dyson. I have an old one (from when they became big) and at that time, they were a lot bigger & clunkier compared to recent models. But I love them nevertheless. I want to upgrade to an animal, but I cannot justify it yet until this one is on its last legs…and I got this when I was with Lexi’s dad, so its about 6-7 years old.