Updated from the Library Again

We STILL do not have our DSL. This morning I called Verizon yet one more time, and lo and behold, they came up with yet MORE excuses and these are ones I have never heard before. Apparently the reasons we don’t have DSL as yet is a combination of the fact we live in Vermont,    the date our payment is due, the date we had the old DSL cut off and a glitch in the system which leaves the request at the business office until, —get this one–one of the only four people in the whole business can deal with it and move it on to the point where we can actually GET DSL!  Are you believing any or all of this? I got so upset over all this that this morning after I put the phone down I was in tears over the combination of anger and frustration. The fact that I was up at 3:30 am after only five hours sleep didn’t help either.

After lunch I took a nap and woke up deciding basically to hell with it and with them. They will do it when and/or if they will do it and it is not good for me to get so upset over this. So, it will, I hope, happen eventually. If not, I will research other providers… I know this is what happened with the library who finally dumped Verizon after six weeks of waiting for them to come and restore the DSL in the new location. Right now I don’t know how long I will wait. But I DO know that I am not going to get myself into the state I was in this morning..

In other news, the living room is slowly getting into shape thanks to Fred. He has moved bookshelves and things around and some boxes have been unpacked. I moved a bookshelf into the bedroom and put some books in it but there is another box of books somewhere that were in the bedroom. Among them is the book we are reading for the book club next month. I hope it turns up before the next meeting! It should because it will be  a month since we are meeting tonight to discuss The Alienist by Caleb Carr. This is the book that one of our members suggested thinking it was another book she had enjoyed! I quite liked this book. It is the same genre as Ann Perry’s books. It is a historical whodunit but set in the time of Teddy Rooseveldt. {That spelling looks wrong but I am not going to look it up.}

Ok, I am now going to read a favorote or two and then check to see what else by Caleb Carr the library has…

Until later….


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August 15, 2006

Do they think that Vermont is in a different decade? lol Oh dear – that’s a poor excuse to end all poor excuses. 🙂

August 15, 2006

That Verizon has such horrible service it’s a wonder they’re still in business. I’ll be glad when you can get back on and spend more time with us. In the meantime, letting it go is probably the only thing you can do and retain your sanity. *sigh!*

We have Verizon but I wish we didn’t since they seem to be messing with you two. Grr! I miss your daily entries.

August 15, 2006

Oh for heaven’s sake!!!! Vista Way

August 15, 2006

I can’t believe they’re being so absolutely ridiculous. Spooty spooty Verizon. *shakes fist*

Isn’t there another high speed internet provider? You poor dear.

We have A.T.&T. DSL. No problems, but we don’t live in Vermont. I know locale does have something to do with service. My daughter Meg lives an hour or so away yet DSL wasn’t available her when it was to us. How frustrating for you! I miss your frequent entries.

Sign up for free Dial Up AOL until you get it fixed. It’s like 3 free months. Definitely worth it until this is straightened out.

August 15, 2006

You two should be honored. Apparently your desire for DSL is keeping 4 people employed by Verizon. Wouldn’t it be simpler (and cheaper) to get boradband through your local cable company?

August 15, 2006

I really enjoyed The Alienist…read it about 8 years ago. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow…no point in getting bent out of shape over things you can’t help.

i was just thinking about you this morning!! i hope they fix everything soon.

August 16, 2006

I’ve heard nightmare stories about Verizon DSL. Yours seems to confirm them. I’ve had AT&T Worldnet since they started and have rarely had any problems with them. I hope Verizon gets its act together soon. frank

August 16, 2006

How very distressing for you two, and I hope that it gets sorted for you soon. Also that it’s not too upseting while it’s being sorted.

August 16, 2006

: ) *huggs* I miss reading you everyday! Hope it gets settled soon, and how is your art room coming along?

whew I caught up!!!! I’m glad you finally got moved hopefully the stress that come with moving will soon be gone. I hope the people at Verizon get off there butts and start to get everything in order for you. I hope everything get’s settled soon! <3 Annie-Rae

This Verizon stuff is really irritating. I hope they get you hooked up soon because I know how awful it is to have to use a computer that isn’t one’s own. I loathe moving and unpacking. I bet that Fred and you get the unpacking done a lot faster than I would.