
  • Yesterday was a really good day. I had energy and got a lot done.
  • Today may possibly be a good day too since I am up early and feel pretty good!
  • Today I HAVE to get to the drug store since I am now out of necessary pills. I would like, also, to get some food into the apartment but I am not completely out of that.
  • I wrote the first three bullets yesterday but OD would not let me save them
  • Much to my surprise, today was a good, relatively-high energy day too. I am thinking that maybe I had two days in succession like this because I had two days where my back hardly hurt at all! All due to physical therapy, I am pretty sure. I find it a bit sad to think that after the surgery, I will have lost a certain amount of strength in my legs and back yet again , but I am cheered to think that PT will bring it back. I am wondering how long after the surgery I can start the PT by myself…
  • I paid a few bills and went to Target and got a few more items of food.
  • I also bought an artificial wreath and a gadget to hang it over the front door. It is not a green one but a brown one which, at this time, suits my life better, I think!
  • My Christmas tree is a Charlie Brown tree with one ornament. I also have a figure of Charlie Brown to put under it. This tree was given to Fred by one of his daughters and his son-in-law. His daughters often gave him Charlie Brown gifts because he had a bald head like Charlie. I haven’t put the tree up yet but all I have to do is continue cleaning off the coffee table …
  • OK, let’s see if this saves…

An emotion is only an emotion.

It’s just a small part of your whole being.

You are much more than your emotion.

An emotion comes, stays for a while, and goes away, just like a storm.

If you’re aware of that, you won’t be afraid of your emotions.


~Thich Nhat Hanh


If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius







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A Charlie Brown tree sounds just about right to me. There’s less to put away after.

December 1, 2013

Glad to hear that you are having a good day. I love the Marcus Aurelius quote.

December 1, 2013

I love that you are enjoying so many high energy days! :o) !! And I like the idea of a Charlie Brown tree, too. We got rid of our old tree so that is what I might get for this year! :o) !! hugs, Nicky

December 1, 2013

Glad to read that you are feeling better and have more energy.

December 1, 2013

The more I look at those small, easy to assemble trees, the more I like them.

December 1, 2013

About the brown wreath, when I’m down that is exactly when I buy more upbeat things. Of course I am a very color oriented person and always buy colorful decorations and clothes so it would be hard for me to buy anything brown in the first place but certainly not if I’m feeling bad. I want something to cheer me up. I hope you can get this all behind you soon.

December 1, 2013

i should be getting my boy scout wreath soon, i hope. so glad to hear you are having pretty good days lately. i did a lot of picking up yesterday and very early this morning. p/t is a wonderful thing. i’m so glad that p/t exists. not sure how i’d be walking if not for p/t. take crae,

My sister has a “Charlie Brown ” tree outside their house that the city planted a few years ago. She has stated that this year she intends to hang one, red ornament on it. I hope she does. LOL You are in my thoughts and prayers always my friend. Hugs,M