
You are never going to believe this. I have an apartment!

I had researched a whole lot of apartments on line and chosen six for us to go and visit while Jake was not working . However he said he had another one which had been highly recommended to him by a person who had lived there. He sent me a link and the complex looked very nice and they offered a fairly big selections of floor plans. The rent was a little higher than some of the others I had looked at on line but not very much and was doable for a one-bedroom. AND, importantly, it was 13 miles from Jake’s house and he passed it coming and going to work. So, we went out to look at this complex first.

The guy who took us around was very helpful and we looked at  five different apartments. About three apartments in, we looked at one, and to my surprise, I found myself thinking I could live here! It was almost like a voice in my head saying that. AND, VERY importantly, it was available very soon AND, it was on the ground floor {which is the first to Americans!  ) So, at the end of the tour, I put down a deposit. I have 8 days to change my mind and get my deposit back, but I am not going to. I really like the apartment and the surroundings.

So, we didn’t drive to any of the other apartments and I took Jake to lunch as a thank you for finding such a nice place!

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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wow! Some things are meant to be. 🙂 So happy for you Patrisha. What excellent news!

wow! Some things are meant to be. 🙂 So happy for you Patrisha. What excellent news!

Well that was rather efficient. Perhaps Fred helped pull some strings for you from the other side.

December 29, 2012


December 29, 2012

Good for you….it sounds like it was meant to be!

December 29, 2012

WONDERFUL!!!!! Good luck!

December 29, 2012

Oh my gosh!! So exciting!!!! Congratulations!!!!! A new chapter begins!

December 29, 2012

That’s great!

December 29, 2012

Wonderful!!! Sometimes things just work out, don’t they?

December 29, 2012


glad you found a place you like! yay!

December 29, 2012

Glad you found the perfect apartment without looking all day long. You just kind of know when you find it. I lived in the same apartment in Austin for 7 years even though it was on the 3rd floor. I loved the layout of it. I only moved b/c I bought a garden home. I’ve never heard of 8 days to change your mind, that isn’t the way it is in Texas. May I ask why you decided on NC rather than MS?Just curious. I know that is a good feeling to have that decision made.

That’s great news! It’s wonderful when something just feels “right”.

December 29, 2012

Oh how brilliant that it was so easy – I suspect Fred may have been in the background there!

December 29, 2012

Yay! You’ve found a new place to live, AND it’s convenient… (huggles)

December 29, 2012

🙂 – – – –

December 29, 2012

That’s wonderful!

December 29, 2012

I hope to see pictures soon!

Congrats!! That’s exactly how we felt when we saw the house we just bought. We just KNEW when we saw it that this was the one. No sense in looking any more, this was it. We moved in 6 days before Christmas. It’s very sparsely furnished as we lost everything in the fire but we absolutely love it more importantly we’re happy. May you find the same! Hugs,M

December 29, 2012

Well done!

So glad that you found something you feel good about!

Yay! Glad you found a place you like!

Oh, that’s WONDERFUL news! I’m so happy for you. So very, very happy for you!

December 30, 2012

that is great news!!! when it’s right, it’s right. take care,

December 30, 2012

Oh, I’m so happy for you!!!!! How exciting, and how wonderful!!! And IN THE WARM!!! Whoo Hoo!!!! Hugs and loves! ~M

December 30, 2012

You will like it there. I have several close friends who have lived there or currently do. 🙂

Congratulations! If you had that feeling that this was the apartment for you, then it was. I am glad you found it without having to look at a bunch first:)

This is all very exciting! Have you taken pictures of the apartment?