“‘Twas the Day After Christmas…”

Yesterday was very very quiet. Today will be more stressful.

Fred’s friend, Bill, is coming to stay with him for a few hours while I get a massage! {Insert a video of me jumping up and down for joy!} Bill is a true friend as he has shown in this crisis but he will stay and stay until Fred tells him to leave! Fortunately, Fred will do this. Then we have Fred’s daughter and her husband and their sixteen-year old son coming this evening. These are the people who are bringing their own food this time. {Which reminds me that once I have finished this, I must clear off the table so they have some place to sit and eat and also check the salad supplies so that we have some contribution to the meal.} And, although they don’t yet know it, the menfolk of this family are going to set up my new DVD player!

Fred and I both got up this morning at 7 am and we were both full of energy which is normal for me and very strange for Fred. He is NOT a morning person at all. However, once he had eaten, he went back to bed. On the other hand, I am dashing around madly taking advantage of this morning energy before it runs out. So far this morning I have:

  • done the dishes
  • put the ingredients for our favorite home-made bread in the machine, {130 calories a slice and worth every one!}
  • taken a load of clothes down to be washed
  • started putting out some of the trash…

I want to elaborate more on the last. Fred had been living here ten years before I moved in and he is frugal. Everything is saved “in case we need it.”  Neither of us are neat-freaks and it has taken all this oxygen-stuff to make me really see how much junk we have that we need to get rid of. So, we had a good talk yesterday and agreed to get rid of a lot of it.  I told Fred it was a combination of two things that made me determined {with his permission of course} to get at least 80 % of this stuff outa here! The two things are the oxygen tanks and the fact that I promised my friend Dangnabbit that she can come to our apartment after all this has settled down a bit and I will teach her to knit. Now, it is not that I am thinking that Dagnabbit will comment or criticize our living conditions that got me going on this, but I found myself looking at the piles of “stuff ” through the eyes of others, and I don’t like what I see. 

I really hadn’t broached this before with Fred because it has taken me pretty well the five years I have been living here to come round to thinking it is “our” stuff and not just “his” stuff. One does not just arbitrarily dispose of other people’s possessions! I told him that I will not dispose of anything without checking with him first, but, as I said to him, who needs five old telephone books, for example? The other reason I hadn’t started on any of this was because he mentioned once that one of the many things he came to really dislike about his ex is that she is the kind of neat-freak that snatches the ash try away to empty it the minute he put out his cigarette! {He hasn’t smoked, I am glad to say, for 20 years!}

One of the ways I deal with stress is to tidy up and organize little bits of things. For example, beore all this happened, I would rinse the dishes we used during the day, stack them up by the sink, and wash them all in the morning because there is something soothing for me about doing this while the coffee is perking. Since he came home from the hospital, I am finding myself washing them right after each meal, three times a day! I told him that this was an ideal time, while I can benefit from cleaning stuff out, to do it. As soon as he is better, I told him, I will go right back to my old ways which I classify as semi-clean slobbery!

Then, after I had talked about this, and he had agreed and accepted his share of the responsibility in that  that he has been remiss too {for example, we have five little pastic bags full of plastic “peanuts” to take back to the packing center because they should not go into landfills and they are not recycleable–they have been there for at least a year}, I had the horrid thought that perhaps I was bullying him and he was agreeing because he was not well. Well, we sorted that out, too. He is delighted that I want to do it and he accepts the fact that he should have done his part years ago {FIVE old telephone books!} and he assured me that no man who left the intensive care floor of a hospital  against medical advice after major surgery AND a heart attack is capable of being bullied even if he isn’t totally well yet. I had to laugh—that is SO TRUE!

Timer just beeped so I need to get the clothes into the dryer.

Until later…



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He-he, I just told Gunther that I may go back to bed, but you inspire me to get busy, Patricia. I think I will do as you are doing, hustle and bustle and THEN go back to bed. Indeed, who needs 5 telephone books? LOL But hey, you never know when you will need packing peanuts.

The battle cry of the string-saver: “I might need it some day!” It’s a left-over from people who lived (or was a child of a person who lived) during the Great Depression. They can’t BEAR to throw anything away. Clutter adds to stress. A good clearing-out will make you feel TONS better. I didn’t know that about plastic peanuts. Elmer always just tosses them in the trash.

You soundg great! I hope you enjoy your company today.

I agree with PB Reader. You always inspire me. You are one of the people that I pressure myself to be more like. Unfortunately for today I am still going to be lazy. : ) hugs, Serena

***Hiding behind the column here in guilt*** I’m one of those ashtray emptiers…sort of, myself. But I’ve come to realize that just as important as it is for me to live with neatness, order and NO clutter whatsoever, it is just as important for some (namely my son) to have their stacks of things. We all take comfort in different ways. Just as long as their comfort is in another location 😀

December 26, 2004

This sounds SO good, Patricia, especially the frank talking about it. When I look at my place thru the eyes of someone else, I don’t like what I see either. Which is, a LOT of clutter. Sometimes I feel quite defeated by it and would be thrilled to have a partner like you to help me. Lily47

December 26, 2004

You sound in good spiritis I too am going to have a clear out, my house is not overly full, but at the moment, things need a good clear out and i am going to start on it right after new year when all is back to normal. I intend to work through each room and deliver to the tip the same day, as it is sorted before hubby gets home. I have not felt this was my home, ever, strange one that

December 26, 2004

Hi Patrisha, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I leapt out of bed this morning, frantic in my intentions, looking around the apartment, wanting to have 3 days in a row to clean, throw out, organize, paint, redo furniture, etc. etc. If I do a tenth of it in the next month, I will be overjoyed! 5 year old phone books tickle me. Have fun!! Anna

December 26, 2004

You have a friend named DANGNABBIT! I love that! I was going to get a group together to help my friend Chris clean out her apartment. We set the date, I found 2 of her friends to help. But she got so stressed, thinking of them seeing her place, that I had to cancel the whole thing. I DO understand that!! Anna

December 26, 2004

Wow! Wash dishes while the coffee perks! I ease into the morning with cobwebs in my eyes and can barely find the coffee pot. Take care.

December 26, 2004

Ah yes. The hoarding and the clutter. I tend to do that with books, I fear. And art things. But J is simply terrible about it, and it is a great bone of contention between us.

December 27, 2004

I like how you approached this. It is hard to keep things clutter free. Stuff always seems to accumulate without me noticing.

December 28, 2004

You really are a special person to jump in and do what must be done. Fred is very lucky to have you. I hope that he sees this. Blessings.

I have some old phone books, but not that old I think.