Tuesday Activity*

  • I got two emails from the bank in VT late yesterday and Amazon now accepts my debit card. I was very irritated to have the money in the bank, to have things I really needed to buy–I buy toiletries and cleaning stuff from Amazon in bulk and because I was moving I had let my supply drop down to next-to nothing– and to have no access to my money.
  • Today was another good day because I decided on Monday night that it would be. Thinking like that often works for me. I can visualize myself getting things done and unless my back hurts, I wake up ready to do them. Of course, I can’t say you can actually SEE much difference from what I have done today, but I have put some of the stuff away. And I found a missing black sandal so I now have a pair. These sandals are black and I found myself thinking I could paint them with white and gold and silver…
  • Tomorrow Jake is coming over to take boxes and bags to the dumpster, to put together my new stand for my canes, put together the new floor lamp and drag various boxes out of places where I now can’t reach them and put them where I can fall over them! There are a couple of plastic storage boxes and three small cardboard boxes,  none of which I can get out of the walk-in closet. If he drags them out where I can get at them, I will eventually empty them.
  • Last time he was here, Jake got my desk out of the living room and set it up in the bedroom by the window.  So, today I also paid a bill and got some paperwork done. One thing I need to do is to go back to the drug store and get a shingles shot. I thought the doctor had called it in but she actually gave me a script which I found today.








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March 5, 2013

It sounds like you are getting things done and in order nicely! Settling in……

March 5, 2013

Glad to hear that the debit card mess got cleared up. I can imagine who aggrivating that must have been!

March 5, 2013

Box by box, it is eventually getting done!

March 5, 2013

🙂 – – – –

March 5, 2013

I’m glad Amazon has finally gotten itself straightened out so you can order the things you need! I find that thinking I’ll have a good day from the start usually makes it happen, too. I think this might be one of the many things I learned from you, actually. ;o) !! ryn: oh, thanks for mentioning Malcolm again! I used to enjoy reading about your and Fred’s visits from him! Guinness knows that these steps lead up to my taking him for a walk: I go to the bathroom, I put on my shoes, I put on my coat, I say “come on, Guinness.” I’m sure he’s VERY disappointed, the few times I do all those things and then leave the house without him! hugs, Nicky

March 5, 2013

Glad you’re getting the shingles shot. Shingles is very painful.

Sounds like you are starting to establish a routine…yay!! 🙂

March 6, 2013

I am glad the bank is straightened out and that you decided Tuesday would be a good day. I like your thinking 🙂 *HUGS*