To Do & EDIT

EDIT:  Idid exactly as I had planned. I did two HUGE loads of laundry, and went for a short walk. I am exhausted… But I feel good about the day.

  • clean off my stuff from the end of the table.
  • open the big box that has been waiting several weeks for me to do something about it.
  • PERHAPS start on the pile of stuff in the corner of the dining room where we put the Christmas tree.

I don’t know why but I am not motivated to write at all lately. Maybe I should have done NoJoMo this year and forced myself. Not only am I not motivated to write, I have no interest in doing anything. There is a lot that needs to be done but I am not doing it. I have no interest, no excitement about anything.

I am actually getting a little worried about myself. This is SO unlike me. I can remember waking up in the morning looking forward to what I was going to do that day. I am going to do laundry today but only because both baskets are on the edge of overflowing. Now, you may say, well, who looks forward to doing laundry? Well, I used to. Not with jump-up-and-down excitement, you understand, but with a feeling of a job well done. One thing I have done which I hope will help me is to go back to taking a multivitamin a day. Before I had the surgery on my hip, I stopped all over-the-counter medications and I just haven’t gone back to them. Perhaps that will help. I even went so far as to check the side effects of the drops for glaucoma that I am putting in my eyes twice a day, but there is nothing there. And besides, I felt like this before I started on the drops.

I should have written about this when I first noticed it because I am feeling now that I can do something about it. I can do a bit of fake-it-till-you-make-it. I am a big believer in this because for me, it works. So, what I need to do now is to go back to making lists NOT to beat myself up over what hasn’t been done but to see and be proud of what I HAVE done. I will give myself another week and if I am not coming out of this by myself, it may be time to visit the doctor to see if there is a reason for this apathy. However, there is something that I keep forgetting and that is that  after stress, I find it much more difficult to snap back than I used to when I was younger. Being in Italy was stressful. It was good stress and I enjoyed myself and I do have plans to go back, but being in a country where one barely speaks the language IS stressful.

Ok, a list for today:

  • put a load of laundry in the washer.
  • go for a walk while it is washing
  • put another load of laundry in the washer and the first one in the dryer
  • put the second load in the dryer and fold and put away the first one {This is not a big chore because I sit on the bed to do this}
  • fold and put away the second load.

Ok, I will be pleased with myself if I get this done. So, off down the stairs and then out of doors for a walk!

Oh! I just read my first quotation below! How appropriate!


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

— David Viscott

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November 19, 2007

I have noticed a difference since you got back!! I am glad you’ve decided to speak to your doctor about it if you’re not feeling back to your usual self soon. Probably the multi-vitamins will make a difference! And I love the idea of making lists of what you HAVE done, so you can feel proud of what you’ve done. I got that idea from you! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

November 19, 2007

I had noticed you weren’t around as much lately, and I wondered if everything was OK. I find myself going through times like this as well. Sometimes it’s stress induced, other times it’s because I’m allowing myself to have more negative self-talk than positive. I hope you get back to feeling more yourself soon 🙂

November 19, 2007

It sounds like maybe you’re depressed. I’m glad you will talk to your doc about it.

November 19, 2007

I have felt the same way as of late. There is just no motivation for me to do anything. I’ve found myself doing a lot more sleeping than I would like, it’s just miserable. I get just about nothing done, I know how you feel.

St. John’s Wort could be your best friend right now. It really works.

Taking the multi-vitamin will help, I think. I notice a difference when I take mine. Yes, that quotation is good and so is the other.

November 19, 2007

Yes, it must have been stressful. Any kind of traveling just wears on me something awful. Taking your vitamins is good. Maybe some extra B-complex and Vitamin C would help boost your tired cells, as well as plenty of water. Hope you figure it out soon.


November 19, 2007

I think you are still recuperating from the combination of the surgery/anesthesia and the overseas trip. Just one of those events takes a lot out of a person, but the two in combination will make bouncing back a little more time intensive. I think the multivitamin will do you a world of good. Have you had your iron levels checked recently? (((Hugs)))

November 19, 2007

I agree with many others. You’ve been gone a long time and perhaps you need stome time to just “be”. Now that you have taken the time, perhaps you’re ready to get active again.

I think its normal that you have a bit of ‘down’ time simply because, after six weeks on a different continent, in a different culture, speaking a different language, well, I think it takes I while for you to get back to being at home. I also think though that you are doing well to fake it for a while. It is often a good technique it has to be said.

November 19, 2007

i must say that i’ve noticed you’ve not been writing as much as before. i’m sure you will get back to yourself. just need to discover what the problem is. if this downness continues you might see your doctor and see what he says. maybe your multivitamin is what will help you. i think a list that you can mark off when you’re done is a good idea. then, you can see what you’ve accomplished that day.i need to start a list for myself. take care,

November 19, 2007

Yes, talk to your doctor. Perhaps you are suffering mild depression. BTDT, and you may need a mild medication. I hope you get back to yourself soon. Hugs,

I noticed your prescence much less since you’ve returned. I figured you were just taking your time readjusting to the real world. 🙂

November 19, 2007

Gingerbread, you need gingerbread!!!!! Seriously, I figure you have had lots of stuff to navigate through lately. I can see where it wreaked havoc on your routine. Hopefully you’ll be back to your old self in no time, but if you need help, then so be it. Nothing wrong with that. Love to you! ~M

November 19, 2007

*Laughing at Mezzo’s note* Gingerbread – sounds like a serious cure. Or how about that yummy homemake yogurt? Glad you got your list done for the day.

November 19, 2007

Maybe a bit of post-vacation letdown? Shorter daylight hours? Sending you something to cheer you up by email.

Thank you for noting me! I read you but don’t always note. I should be better about that.

November 19, 2007
November 19, 2007

Oh, my friend – the vitamin is a good first step, as is exercise, and eating well. Talk to the doc if you think things aren’t improving, there may very well be something they could do to help! {{{{{HUGS}}}}},

Fake it ’til you make it usually works for me to. Gets me out of the humdrums and back into doing things every day. Once I’m up and doing stuff I seem to do better and feel better. Having a plan helps, too. And, if things don’t improve, a trip to the doc couldn’t hurt. Big hugs to you, sweetie.

November 19, 2007

I do know what you mean by the apathy — I am really forcing myself to get my butt in gear this month, and trying not to be napping or sleeping all day.

November 20, 2007

ryn: The Wii *is* an incredible time waster. Last night I played for an hour and didn’t even realize so much time had gone by. *shakes head* I can’t begin to tell you how ridiculously addicted I am. Snow?? Brr. Yet another moment of “boy I’m glad I moved to NC” 🙂 My parents are in for a treat, as it’ll be warm most of the week here. It’ll be warm enough today to try giving Merlin a bath. Btw- I had a dream that you were a portrait artist working in Italy. I walked up with Merlin and you painted our portrait. 🙂

November 20, 2007

*huggs* maybe due to your exciting vacation, you are having post-vacation blues? : X

November 20, 2007

Well, there ya go, you accomplished some good things! Meantime i’m just sitting around today! Hugs,

I haven’t time to read back after this one but…it might be several factors. All I know is that I have no time to write at all. I miss reading a great deal. Sometimes, I have writer’s block. You are always so busy, you might need to take some relaxing time.:)