To Be Done Today…*

EDIT: Well, I was wrong about the snow not sticking. It did.

Guess what! It is snowing here! I looked out earlier and it was raining very hard and then a few minutes ago, I looked out of the bedroom window and the rain had turned to snow. It doesn’t look as if it will be the kind of snow that accumulates. I just checked the widget on this computer’s desktop and the temperature is 33 degrees. Luckily I have no plans to go out anywhere except to the mailbox and that can wait.

Things to be done today:

  • Take the heated mattress pad off the bed. This is sort-of done. I took the controllers off the pad and unplugged them. I decided to keep the pad on because it is a cushy one and helps the bed feel more comfortable. The reason the heated pad needed to be not hooked up to power is because the mattress is a memory foam which retains body heat anyway. The one night I tried using the pad I woke up because I was far too hot and that was with the pad turned off before I went to sleep. So, I will be eventually putting it up. I will do something about selling/Freecycling it nearer to winter.
  • Tidy up the scattered DVDs I have lying around.
  • Make a list for things I want Jake to do for me when he comes on Sunday. I tried moving the tall narrow set of shelves out of the bedroom but they are solid wood and although I could move them a bit, it was a lot of effort to do so. Mostly I want boxes moving. There are boxes marked books that I would like to be stacked all in one place and the same with those marked art supplies. Of course, I am aware that the boxes that say Books contain more than books and the same goes for the art supplies labeled. I actually found my camera in one art supplies box! {Now I have to wait for the cards and the batteries to turn up!}
  • Open at least one box. I try for two a day but some take a long time. I opened the box marked jewellery yesterday and the earrings had all fallen off their hangers. Actually, looking on the positive side, I basically threw away most of the earrings except those given to me by Fred and my sister.

I turned the heat on this morning after having it off for a week. I had it set for 67 and just got up to turn it down to 65. The resident’s info book suggested 64 but after I had tried that a few days I was always cold so I set it to 67. I will try 65 for a while. So far, this apartment seems to be insulated very well and certainly much better than to one in Vermont. Our electric bills there were huge and especially in the last months Fred was at home and even though he was bundled up in layers, he felt the cold a lot so I kept the heat on high. Which meant, of course, high electric bills. Oh, well, that is in the past.

Goals for next week:

  • Make some calls and get an appointment with a local doctor. I am not ill but I do need someone who will continue with my prescription.
  • Check out the local Credit Union and if it is acceptable, open an account.
  • Continue opening boxes. {Some day, I will open the last one! And there will be much rejoicing!}

Goals for the near future:

  • Find an ophthalmologist
  • Continue opening boxes.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde


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February 16, 2013

Love the Fred Rogers quote! Very true!

February 16, 2013

Wow, some weird coding got itself inserted in to the Fred Rogers quote and made this page REALLY WIDE! Happy day! You found your camera! I hope this means we’re one step closer to seeing your new place! I’d be freezing half to death at 65. It amazes me that anybody can be warm at that temperature!

February 16, 2013

The code is fixed! 🙂 Too bad about the snow, but this time of year it doesn’t last long. Thank goodness.

February 16, 2013

Enjoy the snow….if you can. It’s just damn cold here in Kentucky!!! A little snow would make it more interesting.

Glad you found your camera! I wondered about those heating mattress pads? Wonder if we would feel the same way about them? I’ve held off buying one because I wasn’t sure about them.I may just stick to a regular one. SOunds like you are making great progress!!! Hugs,M

February 16, 2013

RYN: Ha see? It was my subconscious that directed you to that box! If you give it a week (it’s very old) I’ll get it working on where the cards etc are! 😀

February 16, 2013

Opening that last box will be like burning the mortgage. Well, maybe not quite. 🙂

The snow stuck?? I wish we would get a good one here. Maddy has never seen a real good snow. She would have a ball getting out building a snowman and sledding. Are you sure about the mattress pad? We would love to have it if you are? With losing everything in the fire we have so much to replace that it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. If your positive about it our addy is:

Sorry, ran out of space. It’s Mary Harper 300 Belle Drive Scottsboro, AL 35769 Thank you so much Patrisha I’m sure we’ll love it. We’ve been trying to keep the heat down at night so as not to run our power bill up so I’m sure we’ll use it a lot. Hugs,M

Take your time. I know you have so much that you are dealing with. I’m just so happy to know it’s coming. 🙂 You’re ever so thoughtful Patrisha! Hugs,M