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I am slowly coming out of whatever-it-is I have been in. I sometimes call it "circling the pit," the pit being depression. So, in these past few days I haven’t been deeply depressed, just a bit depressed. I have taken showers and washed my hair–I have even opened a box or two, but I haven’t put anything away or been for a walk even to the mail box which is very close. And it is no excuse to tell myself it was raining all day. I have an umbrella {actually I have three umbrellas} and it would have done me good to get out. But this morning I feel a bit more optimistic. It helps that the rain has stopped and that we are supposed to see sun today. {Which reminds me I haven’t found my SAD light–but there are plenty of boxes left.}

Today Jake is coming over and thus the big black trash bags and the flattened boxes will be out of here. Up to this point, he has been coming on Saturdays and doing this but last weekend he had to work both days so this stuff has piled up.

Goals for today:

  • Get these boxes and bags out of here so I can get to the door without climbing over them
  • Ask Jake to move a pile of unopened boxes so my desk can be moved
  • Ask Jake to move said desk to the bedroom.
  • Maybe get the art table that Jake is going to store out of the living room?
  • Printer! I forgot the printer! Actually, I can set this up myself if I have to. I did it when I bought the printer…


Goals for next week:

  • Get a bank account locally.{ I can probably get that done this week if I put my mind to it.}



Goals for the near future:

  • Plan on going round the store on my feet for the next lot of groceries.{ I am still irritated by the substitution of chocolate ice cream for what I ordered. I know I didn’t check the substitutions box because I was called about something else I ordered and asked about a substitute. Y’know, if it had been vanilla ice cream, I would have been happy about It but I don’t like chocolate ice cream! I am not complaining to management about it because it may have been my error–a small chance but nevertheless a chance that I clicked the wrong box.} I am thinking that if I can manage to walk or ride a cart, I will use the pickup for heavy things and things that I buy in bulk like toilet paper and paper towels.



Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 27, 2013

use the cart in the grocery store. it will be fun! i can imagine that all the black bags and flattened boxes is a bit depressing. i felt like that the other day when i had black bags in my living room and clothes on my chairs. felt better yesterday after i got rid of both! now, my living room is back to mine. sunshine is good. hope you find your SAD light soon. i know you need it this time of year. take care,

February 27, 2013

Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do, statistically speaking. You’ll get through it, you are doing great.

February 27, 2013

Getting those boxes out of your way will probably help your mood a lot!

February 27, 2013

Sometimes you just need one of those days where nothing gets done & you just feel down. It’s normal, but you are bouncing back and you have made goals for yourself of things that need to get accomplished!

February 27, 2013

The sun is wonderful today after yesterday’s nonstop downpour. But I think I hear the grass growing.

at least ice cream doesn’t spoil quickly, and maybe you can give it to your son?

February 27, 2013

Aren’t sons wonderful! I don’t blame you on the ice cream, I read about it yesterday but didn’t have time to note. I don’t like chocolate ice cream at all so it is nice to know someone else doesn’t! I would not have kept it or complained b/c to me subbing a half gallon of a flavor I don’t like would be a big thing. Like someone suggested, give it to Jake, that wonderful son of yours!I think going and picking out the small things like you plan is a good idea and call ahead for larger stuff. I’ve been ‘circling the pit’ so it is nice to see a name for it. I got out all afternoon yesterday and I can tell I already feel better. I’ve got lots to do to get ready for my trip to AU in March 10 so I need some get up and go!

February 27, 2013

Getting the clutter out will help immensely. I know that I always feel better when I manage to clean, even if it is just putting some books away or the dishes in the drainer. And yes, use the cart — why try and tough it out when it only makes you uncomfortable?

I’ve read backwards to here in an attempt to catch up with the things I’ve missed these past few weeks. I must say that I’m so impressed and inspired by your commitment to getting something done every day. You’ve accomplished so much in such a relatively short amount of time.