Tidy-Up Pictures

Two unfinished things. The black and gold shape will be fastened to a bigger background eventually. The face is made of Sculpymold which is a sort of papier mache. it sticks out of the page. It will eventually have scarf around its neck–painted. It is hard to tell what it is going to be like if and when it is ever finished. I am not excited about it because it was a class where we played with the paper mache. I am not fond of papier mache. But it actually strike me as odd that out of six of us, there were only two tried for a three dimensional effect. The rest did flat button-like things or {barf} hearts! These are not good photos and I apologize.



Here are some of the shelves on which my supplies are stored in Amazon boxes! I get plenty of those!










Some piled-up stuff which has not yet found a home. Hmmm, including my missing duster. I wonder how that got in here! This is the first time I have used "My Pictures" option.  Think of this entry as a practice session!



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June 13, 2011

I really like the face. I look forward to seeing the finished picture! I like the expression you gave it. And having it stick out from the canvas is interesting. I also like the black and gold; it’s beautiful. I can see why you aren’t fond of paper mache, though….it’s messy…..but aside from that, it seems like a neat medium for certain things! I can’t imagine why others in the class just made something flat with it! hugs, Nicky

June 13, 2011

You got something against hearts? LOL!!! 😉

Good pictures! I like both examples of your 3D art.

June 14, 2011

i think the face will be interesting when/if it’s finished. love the colors in the black and gold one. small amazon boxes are good for storing things. take care,

June 14, 2011

When you talked about papier mache hearts I immediately thought that if I were in that class I would have made a 3-dimensional, anatomical heart. 😀