This & That

  • Today I have washed and put away 4 big baskets of laundry. Well, almost put away…the pajamas and the sweaters are all folded and ready to put away and I will get them when I am through here.
  • I got not only a group Christmas card from the whole of my book group back in Vermont but also a list of what they will be reading the next few months!
  • Still nothing from the office of the colorectal surgeon. Of course, I wasn’t expecting anything until the New Year, but….
  • I have been trying to drink lots of water to make up for all I have lost during this diarrhea-for-three-days-is-not-my-friend episode. Actually, I don’t think I have even mentioned this episode here. I did it to myself, eating too many nuts when I know the effect they have on me. Sometimes I forget my digestive system is not normal. The thing is, a small amount of nuts is excellent, causing  the parts in question to all work together happily…
  • I have Fred’s Charlie Brown Christmas tree out. His daughters used to tease him by getting him Charlie Brown-themed things since he was bald! Anyway, this little tree came from the daughter and son-in-law who are in Vermont a couple of years ago and it amused us both.



If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius







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Good to know you’re still coping. Have a good Holiday season.

December 21, 2013

love the idea of fred’s charlie brown christmas tree. hope you hear from your surgeon’s office soon. i’ve got some clothes to put away. are you going to join a book club where you live now? take care,

December 21, 2013

Ditto heartbeat tabby said. I was thinking the same thing! 🙂

December 22, 2013

I’ll be so glad when you find out when your surgery is! And even more glad for you when it’s over and you’re recovered! Waiting is not something I do well either. Aw, I bet your book club misses you; how nice of them to send cards! :o) !! hugs, Nicky