The Good and the Other!

In case you are wondering about the title, that is the phrase I use when I talk about my two legs at physical therapy! I just don’t like to call my left leg {or, I suppose, strictly speaking, my left hip} the bad one because it seems like I am putting a permanent label on it, silly though that sounds. So, "the good and the other" it is!

I guess I can also use that phrase about my life, too! The good at the moment is that in September, I will be a GREAT-grandmother! My older grandson Matt and his wife Angela will be having their first baby. And my younger grandson, Sam, will be getting engaged shortly although that doesn’t change my job title!  I have not been the stereotypical grandparent with my two grandsons even though when they were born, I did live near them. The thing was that my younger son was only two and a half  when Matt was born and two years later, along came Sam. So, the trio of boys were all around the same age. I couldn’t take them and spoil them because I had one at home that would have demanded the same treatment and I was not having that since I was not only a grandma but a single parent with two jobs! And now, of course, it is quite possible that I will never see more than pictures of this great-grandchild since his or her  parents live Down South and I live Up North!

Now," the other" is vastly different. First, last night I had a horrible stomach ache and over the course of an hour or so, Immodiam AD {the AD is anti-diarrhea} became my best friend. It has been a long time since that happened and, thinking back, it is mostly likely due to the unusual amount of chocolate I have eaten this last week. {Chocolate sales after Valentine’s Day are my downfall!} I think it has to be the high-fat content since I had exactly the same reaction to the huge piles of "panna" {whipped cream} I indulged in when I was in Italy. "Caffè con panna" was my favorite drink for a few days until my digestive system protested! Fortunately, I had brought some Immodium with me to Italy! Anyway, the good part is that I slept well and feel normal this morning. Another annoying thing is that I have what I think is a cold sore in the middle of my upper lip which is making it look quite swollen. I say I "think" it is a cold sore because I have actually, as far as I can remember, never had one there before. They were usually on the outer edge of my lower lip. Anyway, the only inconvenience is that I can no longer get or give traditional kisses until it clears up!

I think I am going to cut classes today. Not only am a a bit worried that the diarrhea isn’t over–I just ate a banana and it doesn’t seem very settled– but also we are supposed to have a winter storm rolling in this afternoon with SNOW! {I just went to look outside and it is snowing NOW! } Oh, I am SO tired of snow! I am trying not to feel guilty about not going to class but since I am auditing, being absent will not mess up my grade average. It is just that I am a person who goes to the classes she signs up for and although I am not bothered about missing the ceramics class, I don’t want to miss Italian. Oh well, I can work a bit in the text book and the work book and hope the storm and my annoyingly-active digestive system will both be quiescent by Thursday!

Until later…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

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I caught this entry on the OD front page, Patricia. That is a very good title! You could apply “the good and the other” to other things, as well as your legs. Oh! You’ve thought of that, already. LOL Sorry about the diarrhea. Congratulations all the great news front Down South!

February 26, 2008
February 26, 2008

What wonderful news from Matt and Angela. 🙂 I saw on the news about the snow up in your neck of the woods and thanked a lucky star taht I moved down here. 🙂

February 26, 2008

id skip class too and i wish we had snow my kids would love it x saw u on front page x

February 26, 2008

I like your use of “the other” because it avoids attaching a negative connotation to anything. Great idea. Congrats on soon becoming a great-grandma! Woo-hoo!

February 26, 2008

When my sister had her baby, I was eight years old. Sis never understood why our parents did not make much of a fuss over her baby (their first grandchild)…. but to me it seems obvious: what great thrill can a grandchild be, when you are still raising children of your own?! It is like you said….with a child of your own, how could you spoil the grandchild? In a way that makes it kinda handy! :o) !! I hope you’re all over the diarrhea, so you can enjoy the rest of your day, worry-free! hugs, Weesprite

Aww I hope your tummy settles. That’s an awful feeling!! RYN: Funny thing is that I’ve TRIED that before!! “I’m about to go to bed” to which I usually get the response “I need to too.” And then they SIT! while I proceed to get READY for bed. Even following me to the bathroom while I wash my face and brush my teeth! MY GOODNESS!!!!

February 26, 2008

I do hope you are feeling better soon! I like the way you won’t call the left leg “the bad one”. Congratulations on the upcoming family addition! (((hugs)))

February 26, 2008

Have you found any Italian speaking ‘Youtubes’ that you might listen to while home that could tweak your ear a bit? Kind of like keeping the ear tuned to the sound until you get back to class. have fun…dan

February 26, 2008

Oooh, I understand about the snow & classes – but you’ve got to stay safe, and get healthy. 🙂 {{{HUGS}}}!!!

February 26, 2008

I hope “the other” has a vast improvement and you don’t have to call it that anymore!

February 26, 2008

I am so with you about the snow. I’m sick of being too cold, the fear of falling on ice, and the fact that everything is rather grey and brown right now.

February 26, 2008

congratulations on being a great grandmother!!! that’s so exciting! wonder how long til i am one? probably not for 10 years or so. sorry about your stomach acting up. hope it settles down soon. looks like the central and northern part of new hampshire will get lots of snow today and tomorrow. i’m hoping the warm temps will keep the snow amounts down here. i’m so ready for spring. take care,

you are a wonderfully conscientious student! I should get you to teach me Italian in time for my GCSE because I’m not doing very well on my own, only learning just enough for my little ‘club’ each time. I have them once per week for 30 minutes and that only for 3 months so you can imagine that they don’t really learn much. Hope your tummy is feeling better and Congratulations on all your good news! It is hard to imagine the amount of snow you have had this year when the spring flowers are already out over here. Oh…I have an interview for a job in primary. Just made me realise that you were primary before. I’m crossing my fingers because although it will be a big change, it might be a good change too.

February 26, 2008

oh congrats!!

February 26, 2008

I guess I didn’t know you were a grandmother to begin with. I must have missed that entry or something. Anyway, congratulations that is exciting news.

Thinking of you.