The Credit Union*

Yesterday Jake came over and we went out for lunch. He also took me to the credit union he uses and I now have two accounts, one with a debit card and one for saving. I really like the man who helped us .Apparently there are three ways one can become a member of this CU. You can work in one of the local businesses which is how Jake qualified. I qualified because a family member had an account so yea for Jake! There was also another way where you could qualify by donating a small amount–I think he said $18 to something or another that I cannot now remember since it went right out of my head when I realized I qualified through the family member requirement! I handed over money and a refund check I had got from the moving company and the accounts were set up. The guy showed me how I could get on line and I set up a user name and a password. Today I am going to put this new bank on my IMac and transfer some more money into my account.

He also told me that I could change the direct deposit of my social security and my teacher retirement check on line. I think he is undoubtedly right about SS but I bet I have to make a phone call for the other. Anyway, he said if I had any problems with do this, give him a call, come in, and he would help me with this. One thing I found interesting because I have never done it before, was paying bills on line. I will experiment with this.

Jake and I  also had a discussion about me asking him to drive me places. He said he had no problem with this but he would definitely prefer if I didn’t ask him to do this on the day I saw him {as I did about the CU}. Now it has been pointed out to me, I realize that it was inconsiderate of me {although, to his credit, Jake didn’t say this} because I was assuming he had no other plans for the day! So I said, "How about me saying ‘Sometime in the next few days, could you…?’" He said that was acceptable.  The reason I need to ask him to take me to new places is that I am very nervous driving to places I have never been before especially if it means taking the Interstate. When I explained this to Fred, he was very understanding about this and if I needed him to do this, I just asked. Once I have been somewhere, I know I can do it so I do. Now, before you mention the GPS, I have to admit I don’t totally trust it, or, more accurately, it is that I can’t always trust myself. What makes me nervous is that I cannot always see the name of the road until I am almost on it and there have been a couple if times I have not seen it in time to turn, thus triggering the "Recalculating" comment!

Now, a total change of subject. Boxes! I have got to the point that all the boxes left are either marked art supplies or books. These take a while to empty because the books which *I*  kept sorted are now muddled together and all I can do with the art supplies is to put them on the table which will eventually be the painting area. There are still things I have not found that I need. I NEED the backup drive for my IMac. The Time Machine program keeps making me feel guilty by telling me that there have been no backups for however-many days! I also need the big red tin marked "Tea" and the boxes of teabags I kept in the same area. I have no idea if they are in a "books" box or an "art supplies" box! Thus does unpacking boxes add excitement to my otherwise humdrum life!

Goal for today is to open boxes and put the contents away.











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You’ve been without your tea? !!! When I moved I carried my box of tea in my purse. —-

March 2, 2013

Apple also has iCloud in case there is anything that absolutely has to be backed up. You could learn how to use this in a short while, just as you’ll learn what the most important roads are in the area. Once you get it you’ll be off to the races! be well;peace…dan

March 2, 2013

I love on-line bill pay! I don’t ever have to worry about whether or not it’s on time. When the bill comes, I go on line and tell the bank to pay this bill on the due date, and it does! Just like magic! It gets paid on time and I don’t have to part with my money any sooner than I have to. I can even enter it before the funds are deposited because the money doesn’t come out until I tell it to. PLUSyou save money on all those stamps. It’s AWESOME.

I think it’s reasonable to ask Jake if “sometime in the next few days could you….”. Things are really moving along for you and it sounds like you’re getting well settled in.

March 3, 2013

I am just the way you are about driving to new places! I also can’t see the road signs ’til I’m right there at them, and so I might miss my turn. I need Joe to take me somewhere first, and I carefully write down where all the turns are, including landmarks to help me find them, not just the signs. I’m glad Jake can help you with this now, like Fred used to. hugs, Nicky

March 3, 2013

I enjoy painting too, though I’m not very good at it.