Sunday Stuff

It seems to me that I have spent most of today either eating or sleeping!

Jake came over today and he took me to lunch at the Farmers Market in Raleigh. It was crammed with people but we didn’t have to wait long because we were both fine sitting at the counter. I had fried pork chops, apple sauce, French fries and banana pudding. I debated over the French fries and almost chose the mashed potatoes but I tend to eat FF when I am out because I don’t eat them at home. The pork chops were excellent. I ate most of the apple sauce and about half of the FF but I gnawed the chops down to the bone!

When we got back to the apartment, Jake moved the tall, thin but heavy bookshelf for me then started moving boxes so I could get to them. I wanted the boxes marked books in one place and the boxes marked art supplies in another. Then he got to one that was big but light and when he asked me where to put it, I told him to put it on top of the computer desk which was to his right, and he turned without moving his feet… and hurt his back again! I don’t think it was hurt as bad as he did last week because after he had rested, he did manage to take all the flattened boxes on the table I have dubbed the art table out to his truck. After that he went home to rest and take a couple of the Good Painkillers.

After that, I sat down to do something or another and realized my back was hurting, too, so I went to lie on the bed and slept about three hours! The sleeping part was unintentional. I hope it doesn’t mess up my night’s sleep.



Goals for next week:

  • Call the post office again and find out what happened to the package that was supposed to be delivered on Saturday.
  • Call local doctors and make an appointment, {I am not ill. I just need a doctor because of prescriptions.}
  • Call the local Credit Union and ask if I can give them money. Jake can because of where he works. I don’t know what the criteria are to become a member.
  • Open a box a day and put away the things inside the boxes.



Goals for the near future:

  • Find an ophthalmologist and make an appointment
  • Open boxes


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 17, 2013

I’ve been hungry for pork chops lately. I very seldom eat meat and always forget to pick some up at the grocers. And I’m out of applesauce. Maybe if I remember the applesauce that will cue me to get the pork chops! LOL!

February 17, 2013

Woo-hoo! He took some boxes away! That’s got to feel good!

February 17, 2013

Usually you can join a credit union if you have a family member that has an account there but I think you will need Jakes account number for proff. My son in AU was a member at The LBJ Space Center so my other son has an account there. Then my sons company changed to Star One in CA and I have an account there. If I were you I would get Jakes number just in case. Hope both your backs are better. I’m like you I like to have a doctor lined up for when I need one and for my scripts.

Pork chops with applesauce is one of my absolute favorites! Hope Jakes back isn’t hurt too bad, and I hope the same for yours! And I hope you and I both sleep tonight! Hugs,M

Oh, everytime I hear people mention eating pork chops and applesauce, I am reminded of an episode of the Brady Bunch. LOL! I grew up eating pork chops and applesauce, but never together.

February 17, 2013

🙂 – – – –

February 18, 2013

ryn: i don’t know the name of the brand. i’ll look later and tell you. it has the instruction book with it. it can make 1 1/2# and 2# loaves. it has 33 settings so i’ve got a lot to learn. i think i will at first use the simplest recipe. will go to the grocery store to get what i need. i’m hoping the heating/baking element works. that’s the only thing we don’t know about it. all the parts move but, if it works? gotta use it discover that. wish me luck. take care,

February 18, 2013

when i cook pork chops, they are always tough. so, i gave up! i am so sorry jake has such a sensitive back. my daughter and one of my sisters have backs that are the same way. sometimes, just turning over in bed can cause it to go out. might want to get him a back support belt to wear when he’s lifting or moving things. anyway, i’m glad he’s better. am so glad he was able to get rid of some boxes for you. i’m sure that makes more room for you. a box a day is a good goal. not too much but enough you will begin to see a difference. hope you will be able to get a doctor and a credit union quickly. take care,

Pretty soon there won’t be any boxes left! 🙂 Hope you find your package ok. I have a dental bill that is floating around the post office somewhere… :/

February 18, 2013

I love pork chops! RYN. He put a wooden ring on her finger but wants to buy her a diamond. I don’t think that he’ll be able to get a diamond set in wood though!