Still Moving Stuff

  • Today I had to talk very firmly to myself to MAKE myself go out and get into my car. When it arrived, it was put in a handicapped parking place and I had to move it because an orange handicapped hanger {VT} is not the same as a blue North Carolina hanger!  So, today I got my purse and the GPS and decided to go to the grocery store. I finally got there but there was a lot of "recalculating" comments going on.  
  • My reason for going was to be sure I could actually get there before I went to pick up another load of groceries.  Eventually, I did get there and found where to park when I pick up another load tomorrow. Oddly enough although I took a very circuitous way to get there, I got back by a different route very quickly. I tried walking around the store a bit but my back hurts a lot when I do that so I got some bread and milk and checked out. Now, the store I used in VT had maps of the various areas so one could find, for example, where the bread was. I asked the checkout person if this store had such a thing and she looked totally amazed. I think next time I go to learn where every thing in the store is, I will take one of their electric carts.
  • Once I had located the check-in area for picking up groceries. I looked around the shopping area and found a chain hair cutting place and got my hair cut. The young lady who cut my hair asked good questions, paid attention to what I said and worked very quickly. She did a good job. I will go back there again.
  • Jake came over this evening and carried off the three huge hanging clothes boxes and the two huge black plastic bags of stuff–mostly paper. I can get to the door easily now! His back feels a lot better although he is still being careful and he managed to get two boxes–book size boxes– down from the top shelves in the bedroom closet. Once I have got those emptied, I can start on the plastic totes.
  • Jake will be back on Sunday and we are going to go to lunch…
  • I didn’t think I would be able to manage a painting area in this apartment, but now I am thinking perhaps I can use the small dining area. I can use my wooden easel on the too-big-to-be-eating-at table and put the supplies on the floor under the tabl,. but on top of some plastic to protect the damned carpet! When I was painting with a friend once a week, she had plastic taped down all over her carpets and it all worked very well. Anyway, this won’t be for some time although I have spent some time this afternoon checking on floor and screw-on lamps to give me some "natural" light to work with.
  • Time to make myself a couple of toasted cheese sandwiches.


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 12, 2013

I hope you can paint!

That’s so nice that your old store had a map of where stuff is. I’ve never seen that before!

Wow,I’m actually surprised that the store didn’t have a map. I thought most stores did that these days. So glad to hear you talk about painting again! Hugs, M

Won’t it be grand when everything is in its place? I supose it will. I only moved in 2009, so I haven’t gotten there quite yet.

February 12, 2013
February 12, 2013

Getting rid of some of those packing boxes will do wonders for your spirits, I think. Creating more space frees the mind of clutter.

February 13, 2013

how wonderful that you’re getting things in place. when will you get a NC handicapped hangar? where do you get one? i’m glad to see you’re thinking about painting again. maybe you can find a place close that has lessons like you took before. i don’t much care for toast so i’d be fixin’ grilled cheese. take care,

February 13, 2013

I hope that when the time is right, that you do resume painting! I know that you enjoyed it and I remember you posting some pictures of such! 🙂 I always did enjoy that.

Our store has a map…it is very useful when it is your first time shopping there. I hope you can find a place to put your painting things.

February 13, 2013

Very excited to hear that you plan on painting again. And that you got yourself out of the house today.

February 13, 2013

I’m glad you are mobile again. I like the idea of store maps also but don’t think we have them around here.

Patricia, I have two Kindle questions for you. 1)Do you have the new Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ and 2) Can you hook this up to a printer and make copies from it? This is the one I am thinking about buying. I have pretty much decided against the Nook or at least I think I have. LOL Of course, I have to wait until we get our contents check from the house fire, if it ever gets here. The promised three weeks

has turned into quite a bit longer then that. Somehow we’re not surprised though as our adjuster has lied to us about several more things. If this is the same Kindle you have how do you like it? I thought about going with a smaller screen one but decided to go ahead with one a little bit bigger. My eye sight is getting worse and worse and even though I know I will be getting new glasses I thought

I would just get the bigger one as it’s such an investment. Here’s my email addy in case you would prefer to answer that way. It’s: Thanks Patrisha! Hugs,M