Saturday Stuff

  • I ordered some Marmite from a different source than my usual shop on line because it was  cheaper. {And also because I couldn’t remember the name of the original store } So, yesterday I opened the package because the bread machine produced a very nice loaf and fresh bread toasted and eaten with Marmite is the food of the gods! . The Marmite was fine but the box was packed with that nasty chopped-up foam stuff that clings to whatever it touches. It took me a long time to clean up the nasty clinging stuff.
  • The weather here is wonderful. I have the heat turned off and the blinds drawn back . Later today I may open the sliding glass door and get some fresh air into the apartment.
  • Today I am working on putting stuff away. Already I can see most of the coffee table.
  • Amazon sent me a weird email this morning saying two items I had ordered were "undeliverable."  In the email there was the address to which it was undeliverable and it was the correct address! I looked back to the email a few minutes ago and there was another email stating Amazon had refunded my money! I am definitely not complaining, but I do wonder why!
  • Next week is my appointment with my new ophthalmologist so I need to drive out there and make sure I can find the site before the day of the appointment.

Goals for today:

  • Finish cleaning off the coffee table.
  • Change the sheets on the bed {This takes longer for me to do than it would for most people because the bending hurts my back.}
  • Continue working on the stuff piled up on surfaces.











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March 9, 2013

I’m jealous of your good weather! Here, we have a day of good, and two of bad. I’m ready for ALL GOOD!

March 9, 2013

I hate that styrofoam stuff too! I wish it would never be used. One great thing our very-high new bed is that I don’t have to bend at all to change the sheets! :o) !! hugs, Nicky

March 9, 2013

Cold, dreary and rainy here. Not complaining though, rain is a Godsend in a drought!

We are suppose to start getting good weather…I can’t wait to be able to open all the windows and air our our apartment too! I have never tried Marmite…depending on who you ask, it is either REALLY tasty, or REALLY gross, lol.

March 10, 2013

I’m glad you got that food of the gods.

You’re getting there!