Quick Update**

  • My phone is WORKING!!!! 
  • I have a mouse. How do I know? Mouse turds under the sink AND a hole in one of the potatoes which are in a metal mesh container  on the kitchen counter. I walked up to the office and told them. I have been back just long enough to drink some water and here comes the man to fix the problem. Apparently the mice are coming in through a tiny hole {which they made bigger} under the stove. He is going to put steel wool in the opening and traps to catch them. I found the turds under the sink so I was assuming that was where the mouse came in. But the guy apparently had dealt with this before so he went straight to the bottom of the stove! He just left {AND told me he had cleaned up the turds!!} and tells me he will be back tomorrow.
  • My phone is working! My phone is working! My phone is working!
  • I was going to drive to the office instead of walking but my car wouldn’t start.  Apparently I left the door open two days ago which was the last day I used it. My new triple A card arrived yesterday so  after I am through here, I will call them. {I can do this because my phone is working…}  I need the car to be working so I can go to the ophthalmologist tomorrow…
  • Jake is coming "around noon-ish"  to take me out for lunch. When my phone came back to life, there was a voice mail from the guy at the credit union wanting to see either my lease or a bill to this address. I will ask Jake to take me to the credit Union either before or after lunch.
  • Have I mentioned my phone is working???








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YAY!! Your phone is working!!! *happy dance* I hope the maintenance man got the mouse problem fixed. Those little things are so sneaky.. Have a good time at lunch today. OH, guess what? Your phone is working!!!! 🙂

March 20, 2013

glad your phone is working!!! also, very happy to see that your apartment management is on the ball when you have a problem. enjoy your lunch with your son. take care,

March 20, 2013

Finally, the phone is working! WOO HOO!

Hooray!! Glad you have a working phone now.

Now, if only they will refund for the time it WASN’T working.

March 20, 2013

Yeah for working phones!!

March 20, 2013

Good News re the phone. 🙂 – – – –

March 20, 2013

Is your phone working?!

yay on the phone working! And so glad your apartment is on top of the problem 🙂

March 20, 2013

yeeeeeeeeeee-hawwww! Your phone is working!! :o) !! And it seems that you get prompt attention when you report a problem at this apartment; that is great! hugs, Nicky

March 20, 2013

Hooray for a working phone!!!!!

March 20, 2013

Now if you get your car working you will be all fixed up and ready to go….or call….

March 20, 2013

Yikes, mice! I have heard about steel wool working wonders. When I moved into my cabin, I had an absolute infestation. I put cotton balls with liberal amounts of peppermint essential all around where they were running, and in my drawers, on my shelves — everywhere. That and traps seemed to knock them back, but spring is right here, so I bet I’ll have to do it again! ryn: Yes, with a groupof people who also live on my canyon. We try to go every 2 months or so. Fun! I am definitely not the artist in the family. 🙂

March 20, 2013

Big kitties usually solve the mouse problem… :O But traps are just as good. Glad to hear that you weren’t the one handling the turds. And of course, a working phone is a treasure beyond all measure.

March 20, 2013

I hope your working phone has YOUR number on it! Still, working is good!

March 21, 2013

ryn: I’m dreading it with every fiber of my being. It’s getting too close. *Sigh!*

We had mice as a kid and for some reason that never bothered me. They just lived with us and ate food in the cabinets once in awhile. There in the winter…gone in the summer. LOL! I’m glad yours are gone when you want them gone 🙂