
I haven’t done very much writing lately it seems. No particular reason except I haven’t really felt like it.

All is well.

I have spent three or four days eating indiscriminately. Lots of chocolate and things I don’t normally eat. Next-to-no walking I haven’t stepped on the scales but it would not surprise me to see the weight up a couple of pounds.

Time to get back to normal. I don’t like the way I am feeling now…

Tomorrow is a new day…

Until later….


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December 27, 2006

I wish I didn’t like eggnog. I allow myself a half gallon during the holidays and that’s it.

December 27, 2006

That’s the thing I hate about the holidays; they derail your best intentions and it’s so hard to get back on track.

Well you’re certainly not alone in being off-track during the holidays. The important thing is knowing how to get back on track pretty quick. Which is where I’ve always failed. But not this time!!! I mean it!!

I suppose I’m lucky this time of year I don’t have much of a sweet tooth so all the candies and cookies really aren’t a temptation for me. Then again, I don’t think my frame could hold another excess pound at this point! I’ll be doing something about that as soon as I’m settled!

December 27, 2006

I know exactly how you feel…

December 27, 2006

I love the blue jay from yesterday. They are saucy and raucous, but I love them! Re the pounds…I stepped on the scale Christmas morning and all was well. I stepped on it Christmas night and it was 5.5 pounds more! The shock worked, and I am now one pound away from the Christmas morning weight. It was probably 99% cookies and struedel!

December 27, 2006

I joined Weight Watchers online today….I’m looking forward to a feeling of control over food again.

December 27, 2006

I am definitely going on a fast on January 2nd and then being a good girl for a long time. I, too, need to start back walking and exercising. I’m glad you are back.

🙂 <3 Annie-Rae

December 27, 2006

*huggs* me too!

December 27, 2006

Don’t be so hard on yourself. After all it is holiday time. I am sure you will get back to your walking and sensible eating soon.

December 27, 2006

oh no, we can’t get on the scales right now. 🙂

All caught up on your entries. Lovely pics. You do great special effects!If we had chocolate in the house I know I would eat it. Fortunately, it is all out at my daughter’s house. :)I did scarf down the pumpkin cake she sent home with me, though. LOL

That’s what Christmas is for!!! If you can’t stuff your face at Christmas, when can you?! It’s all good…

December 28, 2006

You’ll get back to walking….you have a lot of determination! I am kinda surprised that since I quit smoking, I am not as ravenous as I used to be. Often people gain weight after quitting. I have not been walking as much, with company here…. will enjoy getting back to that again! Here’s wishing you a lovely day! hugs, Weesprite

December 28, 2006

i haven’t gotten on the scales… afraid to! it’s so difficult to get back on track after a derailing during the holidays. sure wish i didn’t like eggnog as much as i do! but, i’m back on track as of right now!! take care,

December 28, 2006

RYN: Oh yay yay yay! I’m so glad it arrived safely! The USPS tracker thingy wouldn’t give me an update so I’m happy you let me know! I’d be happy to post pictures of whatever you make on my site if you are willing to share! 🙂 Be well,

December 31, 2006

I finally stepped on the scale this morning & found 3 more unwanted pounds. I had lost 14 now I’m at 11 pounds lost, many more to go.